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Ashton's P.O.V.

"So, I figured we could just have a chill night, maybe get some pizza and I can make the couch in your living room a little bit more like a bed," I suggest, looking over to the passenger seat at Lauren who's currently staring out the window.

"Thanks," she mutters, clearly not up for talking.

I sigh, trying my best not to take it personally, knowing full well she's too far into her own thoughts to even communicate. The rest of the ride is quiet on both of our ends, the music fills in the gap as we drive in a comfortable silence. I pull into the space in front of her house and put the car in park before jogging to the other side, ready and willing to help her if she needs it.

"Do you need me to-"

"No," she cuts me off, holding her hand up at me a determined look on her face as she shimmies out of her seat, crutches tucked strategically under her arms.

When her foot touches the ground, I instantly reach for her, ready to steady her as best I can. "Ashton, I'm okay," she assures me as she begins to make her way towards her stairs. She stares angrily up them as she sighs, looking back at me with a defeated look on her face.

"It's okay, Lo just let me at least help you into the house," I say tentatively. The last thing I wanted to do was anger her. She nods some, finally giving in, handing me her crutches that I prop on the hand rail before I scoop her up in my arms. A slight hiss escapes her lips before she wraps her arms around my neck and relaxes some.

The second we enter the house, Lauren still in my arms we're bombarded by commotion causing the both of us to tense up in surprise. "What are you guys doing here?" I ask in annoyance as I see all our friends standing in the middle of her living room.

"I wanted to make sure my best friend was going to be comfortable when she came home," Cassie says, clearly picking up on my attitude.

Lauren shifts in my arms, grumbling inaudibly as her arms tighten around me. I try desperately to not focus too much on how close we currently are as I ignore Cassie and walk over to the couch that has already been made into a bed and place Lauren gently down on it.

"I thought you said they were all busy?" Lauren asks, looking up at me from her spot.

"They were," I grumble, shooting Calum a look from across the room. He gives me a shrug as he watches Cassie rush around.

"Don't get testy Ash," Cassie scolds, fluffing a pillow for Lauren before shoving it behind her.

"How's the leg feeling?" Ben asks, gesturing towards Lauren's now wrapped knee.

"How do you think it's feeling Ben?" She snaps back, before slapping Cassie's hands away from her. "Stop touching me."

I can see Cassie grow stiff at Lauren's words a little taken back by her attitude. The rest of the group stand quietly for a few minutes before Luke shuffles forward. "Hey, Lo I just got you some flowers, I put them in a vase on your kitchen counter, I'm going to let you get your rest," he states, looking over at Michael who nods in unison.

"We'll come visit later in the week," Michael states, patting her head gently before moving towards the door. At least they got the hint.

"I have someone coming in to make you some dinner and I can stay with you and have a girls day every day."

"No." Lauren grumbles, crossing her arms over her chest.

"N-no?" Cassie questions, clearly not ready for her response.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2018 ⏰

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