Chapter Four

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With seconds to spare I slid into my dance class, panting and thanking whatever force was up there that allowed me to be on time for the second time that day. Everyone in the class stared at me as I made my way over to the barre. Shortly after our instructor walked in, hands behind her back and a look of irritation on her face.

“Today is your first day, and I’ll let it slide, but you’re all here because you’re on your way to being professionals, so I expect you all to start your exercises the minute this class is scheduled to start, whether I am here or not.” We all stood there as she stared, when no one did or said anything she sighed in aggravation,  “Well? First position, lets go!”

We were all quick to get into position as she walked over to turn on the music. We all quickly got through our pliés, tendus and dégagés in silence when the girl behind me started talking, “Hey, you’re Lauren Chandler, right?” Looking back slightly, I got a glance at the girl, she was pretty. Blonde hair, blue eyes, typical looking ballet dancer. 

“Yes?” I mumble, turning my head forward again trying to concentrate. I only heard a condescending hum from behind me. Squinting my eyes in confusion and with one more quick glance at her, “What of it?”

“Well, I heard you were quite the dancer, but, from back here, your form is looking a little off. I was expecting to be impressed the first time I met you, honestly.”  She sneered; I noticed the next two in front of me look back, obviously listening in on the conversation. 

“Yea, well, who the hell are you?” I wasn’t going to take this criticism especially if it was coming from someone who didn’t have any right to.

“Paige Bishop.” Ok, that was a name I definitely knew. Paige Bishop was one of the best dancers in the state; to say she was nothing short of a prodigy would be an understatement.  “From the silence, I’m guessing you’ve heard of me?”

 “Hmm… I might have heard it somewhere.” My reply as non-chelate as possible, I continued my exercises with the class, and the rest of the class went on as such. No one spoke to each other unless necessary and we all followed instruction without fail.

 By the time class was over and we were given our assignments to do at home, I had multiple messages from Cassie waiting for me. As shitty as I had felt from the day so far, I would have felt shittier if I didn’t at least respond to her.

Bae: Giiiiiiirl, hows your first day?!?

Bae: Any hotties in your classes?

Bae: Any I would be interested in?

Bae: Hook a sistah up! ;)

Giggling at her bluntness, I quickly typed out a response. The day is ok. I didn’t notice any hotties, I was too busy LEARNING. But, the day isn’t over yet, I’ll keep a lookout for you. With the text sent, I slipped my phone into my bag and headed towards my last class of the day, History of Dance. 

 Ashton’s POV

 Storming out of the room, I made my way out of the building as fast as possible to get some muck needed fresh air. Nothing got my blood boiling more than Lauren Chandler, but, now, I have to work with her for the whole semester. I don’t know if I will honestly come out of this semester in once piece.

 Leaning against the building, I closed my eyes and took in a couple deep breaths when I heard my name being called from the other side of the road, “ASH!” Opening my eyes, and there was Michael right in front of me, wide grin on his face. “Bro, wanna skip and smoke somewhere?”

I huffed out a breath, Michael could be really ridiculous sometimes, “It’s the first day of classes and you’re already wanting to skip class? Didn’t you’re parents have to so some serious schmoozing to keep you in school?” Michael only shrugged with a smirk growing on his face.

“If need be, they’ll do some more schmoozing. Now come on, you’re not gonna lose your scholarship by missing ONE class on the first day of school!” He had a point. It’s not like I couldn’t make up an excuse, and it was only a foreign language class anyway, so fuck it.

“Yea, lets go. I need to get out of here before I lose my shit.” I pushed off of the building and began making my way to whatever discreet place I could find first.

“Whoa, what’s up with you? Slow down!” Michael grabbed my arm, forcing me to stop in my tracks. I turned to him and saw the genuine concern in his eyes. “Seriously, what’s up your ass, man?”

 “Lauren. We’re being forced to work together on some bullshit project. I don’t know man, I just can’t deal with it right now.”

“Shitty. Alright, we’ve got a date with my good friend Bud.” Draping his arm over my shoulder, we made our way towards his car for some major de-stressing.

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