Chapter 1

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Aaron Pov
I sighed as I slung my school bag on my back as the bell ringing the end of school sounded.It has been 3 weeks since the incident which left me in this new world which involved infinite blades,massive storms,bananas,an angry little,cute homunculus,waffles,a crazy miser with pigtails,exploding gems,a blonde haughty Finnish and a massive troll named Zelretch.Yes,I Aaron Storm is the only one other than Shirou Emiya and Waver Velvet to have an attitude towards the wielded of kaleidoscope,fought against him and dared to prank him(thus the bananas) and ended up having consequences involving Illya accidentally knocking me into a portal.

Alright,maybe not the best idea for me since I was a sealing designate(courtesy of the clock tower)and have been stuck in this new world.It was my first day at school actually and if you're wondering what took me so long to enroll,easy.Funds.I had to work my ass off to pay for school fees and even then I have no home to speak of.I also discovered that I retained the class cards which Zelretch gave me all those years ago.Also,reverent back to 16 years old instead of the twenty two I am supposed to be.I shook my head as I walked down the corridor and with an 'Oomph!',I accidentally knocked into someone.I looked down and saw a girl with short red hair and papers all around the floor."Oh! Sorry about that.Here,I'll help you."I said as I started picking the papers up."I-It's fine,just-"She stuttered before I cut in saying."Nonsense,I knocked into you.Least I can do is help.Where do these need to go?"She gathered herself and said."The student council office."Kay then.

I followed the girl who introduced herself as Tomoe Meguri and I noticed something...Off,about her.Call it an instinct for being a former enforcer turned designate.I entered the room and instantly I sensed great power inside.Tomoe-San walked in first followed by me and I slowly but surely closed the door.I set the papers down and before the head,Sonya Sitri,could speak,I took out my berserker card and said."Include."Instantly I held Arondight in my hand and pointed it in Sona's direction."Who,no,what are you guys?"I asked menacingly.Tomoe and Sona got to their feet instantly as they gazed warily at the sword.The door banged open and more of the student council came in.They had the same feeling as Tomoe and Sona too.I closed the door once more,still keeping an eye on them,and a boy asked."What is that sword?!"They immediately glared at him but I replied."Might as well tell you,this is Arondight.The sword of the knight of the lake."Their gazes went from wary to shocked at my declaration."How? It should never be so-"A girl with brown hair in a ponytail exclaimed before I cut in saying."Tainted? It was tainted due to the betrayal the knight had made against his king and soiled with the blood of the knights of the round.And before you get any ideas.Include."I held up one of my saber cards this time and a blood red sword adorned with silver came into my other hand."This,is Clarent.The sword held by the knight of treachery now spill."I answered before anybody could ask.

Sona adjusted her glasses and started."We,are devils."That instantly almost cost her life as Arondight was thrown just to the side of her head and embedded in the wall."Wait,we are peaceful and the watchers of this town."She hurriedly said and I narrowed my eyes at her before holding out my hand.Arondight instantly returned to my hold and I said."Uninclude."The swords went back to cards once more and the entire council gave a sigh of relief before I said."Class change,Caster."My uniform went to motes of blue before an attire of a dark blue robe,black shirt and jeans adorned me with several greaves on joints.I snapped my fingers as the council members each had at least 3 circles of lightning ready to blow their heads off at my command and they froze."Anything else I need to know about your kind?"I asked in a sickly sweet tone.
~one discussion later
"Oh..."I said nodding my head up and down as my fingers were interlaced."Thanks for the discussion,bye!"I said as I snapped my fingers once more and the circles surrounding them disappeared and my attire changed to my school's once more.I walked out the door and I said."Class change,Saber."And my attire changed to my the same as my Caster's just with a dark blue jacket instead of a robe.I didn't take my weapons out yet but I felt the need to be on the safe side.

Sona Pov
"..."Everyone in the council was shocked at the amount of power the newcomer,Aaron Storm,had displayed.He went from a kind helping individual to a cold blooded killer in an instant.I looked down and saw my fingers still trembling from both his presence and the power he displayed."Who-Who is that guy?"Saji stuttered as everyone tried to regain theirselves.I composed myself to the best of my ability and adjusted my glasses.It would not do for the heir of the Sitri clan to go undignified but even still,the fear was shown in my voice as I replied."A Monster."

Aaron Pov
I walked down the park as I got my way to my part time job.Sona's explanation,despite how terrifying it was for her,was informative and I had a grasp of the situation here.As the sunset fell,I saw a girl talking to a boy,I believe it was Hyodou Issei from the perverted trio as the everyone told me,and she asked."Will you die for me?"Crap!I used Storm Flash before the spear of light could hit Issei and got him out of harms way."Aren't you the new guy? What's-"Issei asked before I snarled."Shut up before you get yourself killed."As I faced the enemy who was a dark haired,beautiful woman with dark wings of an angel.Dear God,why is everyone who is a girl a hottie?I hate those types...That came out wrong.I wasn't talking about fighting them.I liked cute things in general.Anyway...

"Why are you killing him?"I asked as my new weapons of choice,Lightning and Thunder,appeared in my hands.Storm Striker wasn't cutting out for me anymore and I used a new fighting style which didn't involve my triangular blades.Lightning and Thunder were swords which join together to make a sword I dubbed 'Tempest'."He possesses a sacred gear of concern to my kind and so I suggest you get out of my-"I seem to make a habit of cutting people off as I held up a Lancer card and included it before shouting the name of the lance which belonged to the lion king."Rhongomyniad!"The holy Lance stabbed through her and she screamed in pain as the weapon did it's work.I pulled the Lance back just as I hear another scream and turned to see an old man with the same wings as the girl held a spear which went through Issei."Shit!"I said,more to myself than anything,and the man said."My task is done,there is nothing left to-"I unincluded the card once more and included Clarent before bringing the sword up to chest level.I was certain that Issei wasn't in the blast range,hopefully,as I said."Behold!The sword which killed my Father!"The sword glowed with hatred and bloodlust as the man took a step back.Issei started crawling desperately to one side as I was finishing the Aria of the noble phantasm."Clarent!"My left foot grounded itself as the right foot took a step back as I led the sword up above my head,the beam of rage and hatred being displayed to all.A circle appeared next to Issei as a girl with crimson red hair appeared saying."I am Rias Gremory,now your life-"Her eyes widened at the sight of me and the sword of betrayal and she temped back as I finished."Blood Arthur!"The blade descended and the man tried to fly off as but the blade fell and annihilated him completely causing a crater and several black feathers all that was left of him.Rias looked at the sight with widened eyes and she turned to me as I did to her,unincluding Clarent while saying."You gonna let him join your peerage or what?"She snapped out of it and started inserting evil pieces within him.She frowned as did I when he took up all 8 pawn pieces that she had.She turned to me and before she could talk,I said."Yes,I'll join.Just make it a knight."She tried to speak once more before I answered."You seem more fun then Sitri."She closed her mouth before taking a single Knight piece and inserting it into me reluctantly.My body absorbed it and my wings of a dragon surrounded by lightning darkened.She gaped at me while I scratched my head saying."Guess my dragon blood reacted to it somewhat."She instantly turned to me before basically yelling at me."You have dragon blood?!"There are many things I am scared off in the world.Lorelei Bartolomei,Zelretch when he is bored but the first thing that is up there is a woman's fury.I laughed nervously as Issei shuddered unconsciously as if he knew what was happening.

One explanation later
I breathed heavily as Rias finally got over the answers to questions I answered.I looked down at Issei's body and asked."You know where he lives?"She looked at me and I shuddered once more before she gave a piece of paper detailing his address.She then stood in place as a circle appeared beneath her once more as she disappeared.I sighed as her presence was gone.She may now be the leader of my peerage but I'm still scared shit of her than her title.I picked Issei up and walked to his home.I felt a presence behind me as I stopped and said."No need to worry about me Koneko."The loli stopped looking at me from her spot in the trees and I continued on my way once more."Maybe I'll take advantage of Issei's home."I muttered to myself.

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