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Christopher Brown.

When you coming back to see me daddy? I miss you 😩 - Gabby. 1:15pm.

So now you can't text back? ykw I'm tired of putting up with your shit bro I'm done. - Draya. 1:18pm.

We should link again soon! yk we don't have any classes togetherrrr. 😚 - India. 1:35pm.

Shaking my head as I glanced down at the messages that appeared on my lock screen. I then drank some more of my fruit punch as I sauntered to my next class.

For me to just be transferring here the hoes jumped on a nigga quick, but shit ion mind tho.

A smile appeared on my face as I came face to face with the Engl 101 door.

Even though I love basketball and football, English has always been a favorite of mine as well along with math.

A sigh escaped my lips as I opened the door and walked inside looking around at the very few people who have already filled the room.

Taking my seat I pulled out my phone and sent Alaïa a text letting her know that I was still coming over after class.

Alaïa Sanders.

"I want some hot wings so bad right now" I told Ari leaning on her.

"That do sound good" Ariana agreed flipping her hair. "Heey Alaïa!" Jackie exclaimed as she came over to the back of the classroom. "I need to talk to you" Jackie stated as she sat down in the free seat next to me.

I mentally rolled my eyes as a smile appeared on my face as I glanced at Jackie.

Every time we always talk it's always about some drama that she's in or some fuck ass boys. Like how old are we? This isn't high school anymore we need to be talking about how we going to secure this bag.

"Okay so remember Kalvin? and how we've been talking on and off and how he keep leaving me to get back with his exes? So why the fuck my mama invited him over and left us out in the front room and girl..I got dickeddd down" Jackie explained I shook my head as my orbs widen.

"Girl yes and he left a few hickies but yes we're back talking and now I'm only talking to him so I can do him how he do me" Jackie continued to babble.

she always does this, i swear she can be very immature at times.

"Don't do that, just don't entertain nor talk to him at all, that's the best way to get em back. Because then he'll know that he really fucked up and can't get you back and I know it hurts and you miss him but later on you'll realize you can do better" I advised.

"Yeah I guess but i'm still gonna talk to him thou-" Jackie started before she was cut off by our professor "Ms.Jackson step out please" our professor asked Jackie politely.

"Here this nigga go being extra, I'll text you later" Jackie mumbled and gathered her things, proceeding to get up from her chair.

"Put me hip, later" Ari muttered as I nodded in response. "So I want you all to watch these two homework videos tonight and study them and prepare for your homework quiz tomorrow" Professor Adams mentioned wrapping up his powerpoint.

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