
113 4 0

   Alaïa Sanders

"Girl practice been killing my ass bro" Heather complained I nodded in agreement "Honestly and coach been annoying the fuck out of me ever since she announced our first game we'll be performing at is coming up" I babbled running my fingers through my hair as heather and I walked up to the mall entrance.

I usually don't do too much walking in New York simply because my feet always start to hurt after a while but today is really nice considering that during the winter it's always cold, and plus I haven't walked in a while.

"I thought i was the only one who peeped that!" She retorted shaking her head. "She be on straight bullshit" I added "Hopefully we can find some real drip for tonight" she asserted as we entered the mall.

Tonight the majorette team is throwing a t up bash, because everyone just recently finished taking tests and could use a break and we're also using this as a fundraiser for our girls to raise enough money to take a trip overseas.

And I feel like tonight i'm t'ing the fuck up cause a bitch aced all her tests.

"I don't even know what I wanna wear because you know New York weather is retarded" Heather pointed out I nodded in agreement.

"Well you know it's gonna be on the inside and plus it's supposed to be 64 degrees later tonight" I informed her.

"I think I wanna get them nasa glow in the dark pants annnnd throw it with a glow in the dark bra?" I queried walking towards the H&M outlet.

Even though it be cold like hell here, I still manage to wear summer outfits.

"Girl that is a outfit, I could've sworn that came together?" She questioned I shrugged and responded "Shit I don't know."

"Since we're hosting, you should get a similar outfit like that. Oooh you can get them neon green shorts and now we gotta find a top" I stated as I handed the neon green shorts to heavie.

"They got some really cute shit in here" she told me as we walked further in the store.

"They really do" I agreed smiling as I found the glow in the dark pants. "Girl you know Christmas coming up, you got anything onna floor?" She inquired looking through shirts.

I shook my head "Not that I know of probably gonna go out of town for the break honestly i need a break" I responded honestly. "Shit me either, everything okay tho?" she questioned with a look of concern written across her face.

hmm..i feel comfortable enough to tell her about jay.

"So remember my best friend jay? well long story short him and i been fucking around since we entered college but we agreed on fucking with no strings attached and yesterday we got into this argument because he walked in on chris massaging my feet and i guess that made him feel some type of way i guess? but heavie i swear i don't want chris, he's just a really good friend" i babbled feeling a wave of annoyance along with sadness come over me.

i am not about to cry, nope nope nope.

"And I've been ignoring jay for the past few days because his goofy ass really got me fucked up and who finna put up with that? not me. and he hasn't reached out or anything and neither have i. but i shouldn't have to cause i ain't start the argument." i continued.

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