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Chapter Five

As I sat in the kitchen, a large, colorful bowl of Fruit Loops cereal resting in front of me, I couldn't help but feel a bit amused by the scene unfolding around me.

At just five months pregnant, my baby bump was already starting to show, making it clear that this little one was growing bigger by the day.

I couldn't help but giggle as I watched the episode of Teen Wolf playing on the TV, my eyes fixed on Stiles as he hilariously tried and failed to take down a werewolf with a baseball bat.

The silliness of the moment was a welcome distraction from the whirlwind of changes my life had undergone lately.

Just as I was enjoying my cereal, I heard the familiar sound of footsteps approaching - two pairs, to be exact.

Glancing up, I couldn't help but smile as I saw Elijah and Hayley entering the kitchen, hand-in-hand. The two of them had been a couple for some time now, and it was clear from the way they moved together that their bond was only growing stronger.

When they noticed me sitting there, they both let out a laugh and shook their heads, no doubt amused by the sight of the pregnant woman indulging in a sugary breakfast cereal.

"Don't laugh at a pregnant woman, that's bad luck," I told them, my tone playful but with a hint of mock seriousness.

Of course, that only seemed to make them laugh even harder, their amusement at the situation infectious.

Hayley, her eyes sparkling with mirth, made her way over to me, her hands instinctively moving to the sides of my growing belly. "How's my niece or nephew?" she asked, her voice soft and full of wonder.

"Fine, he or she is kicking," I replied, motioning for Elijah to come closer and feel for himself.

He obliged, his expression shifting from one of amusement to one of pure amazement as he felt the gentle movements of the baby within me.

"Wait for it..." I said, and sure enough, a moment later, the little one gave a firm kick, causing both Elijah and Hayley to gasp and pull their hands away, their eyes wide.

"Felt it?" I asked, unable to contain my own delight at sharing this special moment with them.

Hayley nodded, her eyes glistening with tears.

"I miss that feeling when Hope used to kick," she murmured, her voice tinged with a bittersweet nostalgia.

I couldn't help but feel a pang of empathy for her.

"Klaus felt it too," I found myself saying, the words tumbling out before I could stop them.

Elijah and Hayley both looked at me with surprise, their expressions mirroring the shock I felt at my own admission.

"When was this?" Hayley asked, her brow furrowed.

"Oh, when we found the grimoire," I replied, the memory flooding back to me. "He was so adorable, touching my belly, I thought he was going to cry."

Hayley let out a soft chuckle, wiping away a fake tear.

"Aww, who knew Klaus had a heart?" she said, her voice dripping with playful sarcasm.

"I can hear you, you know?" a familiar voice suddenly cut in, and we all turned to see Klaus himself striding into the kitchen, his expression a mix of annoyance and amusement.

"Oh, I know," Hayley responded, her grin widening.

Klaus glared at her for a moment before turning his attention to me, his eyes falling on the bowl of Fruit Loops in front of me.

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