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Chapter Six

As Rebekah strode into the room, the aroma of the snack she carried wafted through the air, signaling that it was time for the "Bambi" - the affectionate nickname Rebekah had bestowed upon Jane's unborn child - to indulge.

However, the moment Rebekah entered, Jane couldn't help but groan as she felt another powerful kick from the baby within.

Rebekah, noticing Jane's discomfort, immediately inquired about the source of her distress.

"The baby is kicking like crazy," Jane replied, the exasperation evident in her voice.

Rebekah's response was one of optimism, as she suggested that the baby's hyperactive movements were a sign that something exciting was on the horizon.

"She's hyper today. Must mean something exciting is going to happen soon," Rebekah said, her tone cheerful and reassuring.

But Jane, weary from the constant physical demands of her pregnancy, could only muster a groan in return.

"Oh God. I cannot take any more action," she lamented, the strain of carrying new life taking a visible toll.

Suddenly, Jane felt a sharp pang in her stomach, and the familiar sensation of vomit rushing up her throat.

"Rebekah," she managed to utter, her voice laced with urgency.

Rebekah, sensing the gravity of the situation, immediately sprang into action, asking, "What's wrong?"

Jane's response was simple but direct: "Help me to the bathroom, please."

Without hesitation, Rebekah assisted Jane in making her way to the sanctuary of the bathroom, where Jane could finally find solace in the embrace of the toilet.

As Jane heaved, Rebekah remained by her side, dutifully holding back her friend's hair and providing a soothing presence.

"How in the bloody hell are you still having morning sickness?" Rebekah asked, her brow furrowed with concern.

Jane, in between bouts of nausea, could only shake her head and respond, "I do not know," the frustration evident in her voice.

Rebekah, ever the attentive caretaker, placed a gentle hand on Jane's forehead and then her cheek, checking for any signs of fever.

"Oh, you're burning up," Rebekah announced, her eyes widening with worry.

Recognizing the gravity of the situation, Jane mustered the strength to utter a request: "Rebekah, get my mother for me, please."

Rebekah, without hesitation, complied, hurrying out of the room to summon Jane's mother.

Moments later, Xiomara arrived, her expression etched with concern as she laid eyes on her ailing daughter.

"Oh, Jane, you poor thing," she said, pressing a cool, damp towel against Jane's feverish forehead.

The commotion had not gone unnoticed, and soon, Klaus, entered the room, his brow furrowed with worry.

"What's wrong with her?" he asked, his gaze fixed on a distressed Jane.

Jane, mustering what little energy she had, answered, "That's what we're trying to figure out."

Jane's mother, ever the attentive caregiver, began probing for clues about Jane's condition.

"Did you eat anything today that could have made you like this?" she inquired.

Jane, her mind racing, recounted her day's meals: "Let's see...I had breakfast which was eggs, lots of bacon, and waffles. I had some of that tea-"

But before she could finish, Klaus interjected, his voice laced with urgency. "What tea?" he asked, his eyes narrowing with suspicion.

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