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Okay I know this first chapter is confusing because of the title but it will make since later in the book. This is how it should start and is present tense but the characters in this chapter needed to be introduced in this way.

Elena's POV

" Hurry and get up!" Noah demanded.

His voice screamed authority and I just nodded in response.


I got off the bed tripping on the end of the bed post.

The same cold hand from the night before touched my shoulder.

I flinched at the contact making a gap between us.

He grabbed my arm again and we walked towards what I'm assuming is the Kitchen.

He let go of my arm and walked to the other side of the counter.

I sat at the table.

The house was so nice, so put together, it was unbelievable that he lived in it.

I turned back around and looked towards the kitchen and we locked eyes.

A shiver fell down my back and I looked away towards the window.

You could see the snow falling gently against the glass.

He scared me and I obviously had a good reason but  I didn't want him to know.

I had to be strong.

"Here,"  he sat a cup of orange juice and a piece of toast in front of me, "Eat."

I looked at the food, hesitant, but my stomach growled and every second I fought the urge to eat it.

I didn't want to give him the satisfaction of controlling me but, I just couldn't fight the urge to eat.

  I  picked up the toast and took a bite watching him walk around the kitchen cleaning.

I grabbed my drink gulping down down the juice.

A sudden movement made me jolt around as he walked over towards me.

"Get up," he demanded.

I did not know what to do so I stood.

My eyes locked with Noah's and all the memories of our childhood came flooding back, momentarily distracting me, which was a good thing for him.

In two seconds a needle was stabbed into my neck, making  my head spin for a few minutes before everything came into view.

My legs ached and got wobbly, and I fell to the ground.

He walked over to me and picked me up but I couldn't move.

My whole body felt numb.


He carried me through the hallway but instead of turning to the bedroom, where I was before, he kept going forward toward the garage door.

Noah opened the door and cold air blew over us as he took me toward the open trunk.

He gently laid me in and gave me a kiss on the forehead.

"Goodnight sweetcheeks," he mumbled, shutting the trunk.

I could hear his footsteps walking to the front of the car.

It started up and he drove away.


After the trunk closed, I don't remember much.

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