Sugar Cube

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Elena's POV

I woke up and sat at the end of the bed.

I couldn't believe I actually slept.

The book was laying on the ground and I bent down to pick it up.

As I stood up I noticed a hole in the ceiling.

There was a small light shining through but it went away fast.

I turned around at started making my bed.

The blanket was soft and it immediately brought me back to my vacation to California.

I remember taking the soft blanket and bringing it to the roof with me.

I sat up there all night and just stared and the stars.

I'm smile crept across my face but slowly disappeared when I realized were I was.

When I sat on that roof a felt free, and now I just feel trapped.

I need to find a way to contact Cameron.

A loud bang sounded from the cellar door, indicating it opening.

Gun shots could be heard form the now open cellar door and I clasped my hand over my mouth so no sound could escape.

I crawled under the bed and held my breathe.

"What the fuck is this place?" A voice ask.

It was definitely a mans, he sounded young, maybe in his early twenties.

"Not sure, check the rooms though," another voice said.

Footsteps could be heard casing the cellar.

The closer they got to the bedroom the more I couldn't breathe.

By the time they got to the front of the room I was in, my breathing was ragged and I was hyperventilating.

"Bro thi-" the guy was cut of by his friend.

"Hear that?" They other guy asks.

By now I was positive you could hear my erratic breathing in China.

The bedroom door busted open.

Footsteps were at either side of the bed.

I couldn't breathe.

The bed was lifted up and both men froze.

One dropped to his knees and pulled me into him.

"Hey, shhh, it's okay, just breathe. Can you do that?" He asked.

I couldn't move.

My breathing was so bad it was making me light headed.

"I'm Dash, why's your name?" He asks trying to distract me.

I tried to talk, even move, but it was like every movement made it harder to breathe.

"Yo, Kyle, Dash, what's taking so lo-" another voice said.

What is with these random people.

"Sugar cube, please calm down, we're not going to hurt you. I promise, my names Luca" he said trying to calm me.

It wasn't working.

The room was spinning around me.

Soon darkness came and consumed me.


I'm so cold.

Christ who doesn't know how to turn up the heat.

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