Lover Boy

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Elena POV

Why are guys so gullible.

It's actually quite funny.

You can really get anything you want if you play it right.

I thought it would be harder to play fuck boy Luca but that guy can't keep it in his pants.

Peace between our gangs is good though.

We are both very powerful and I know that a war would not be fun.

I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that we would win.

Although, I am aware that my gang would be noticeably smaller.

"Hey sexy, want to dance," a guy ask.

I turned around to see a guy in about his 30's.

His hair was gelled back and he was wearing a tailored suit.

I just smiled politely.

"No thank you," I say.

I turn around to walk away.

A hand grabs my wrist and pulls me into someone.

"What the fuck," I seethe.

The guy only smiles at me.

He wraps his arms around me.

I smirk at him.

"If you don't get your filthy hands off of me I swear to god you will have a bullet in that sex driven head of yours," I state.

"Oh princess, your a lady. Let the men do the job," he squeezes my ass. "The mafia is run by men. You are a just a pathetic little girl who knows nothing. How much do you bet the men do all the work. Why don't you just sit back and let us do the work?" He says.

I let out a dry chuckle.

"You done," I ask well backing up slowly.

He nods.

Before he could respond I pull the gun from under my dress and shoot him.

Right between the eyes.

Blood splatters everywhere, my face included, but I ignore it.

The room goes silent and all eyes are on me.

"When I said I won't hesitate to put a bullet in your head, I wasn't joking. Do I look like I give a shit if a mafia is usually run by men. I have a business to run, I have no time for you men and your sexist comments. I am not some weak girl you can feel up and try to fuck. The next man that touches me I will kill, then destroy there whole gang. I don't give a shit who you are, if I don't give your permission to touch me I won't hesitate to shoot your perverted ass heads off, understand?" I question.

A chorus of yes 'Ma'am's' and 'okays' are heard.

"No disrespect Ms. Torres but what are we supposed to do. You just killed are boss," a guy asked.

He is easily twice my size, and has tattoos all over him.

He looks nervous as hell.

I smirk.

"I'm sorry, bro? But your boss should stop getting hands with the mafia boss. You are welcome to join my gang or just disburst yours." I say nonchalantly.

He nods.

Luca's POV

Once I pull myself together a walk slowly behind her. Watching her every move. Something about this girl intrigues me. It pulls me to her.

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