Papa Problems

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Elena's POV

"Papa," I say giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"Grace," he says. He always uses my middle name when talking to me. My first step mom picked my first name and he picked my middle. Not that either really care about me. He wanted a boy and my mom wanted a Victoria Secret model of a daughter.  My papa never has time for me but I know he loves me. He just doesn't know how to show it.

"How are you, I haven't seen you in 7 months," I say fiddling with my fingers.

"I've been busy, I'm not here for idle chitchat, I have a company to run," He says not looking at me.

Of course, because it would be to much work to have an actual conversation.

"You wanted to talk?" I ask sitting in the chair in front of him.

"It's about the Mafia," He says purring himself a glass of whiskey.

"What about it?" I ask confused. The mafias never had anything to do with my parents.

I built everything myself.

I involved them because I love them and want them safe but I never gave either power or anything.

I made everything on my own, my gang, my Mafia, my family.

"It's about a peace between The Silent and The Cobras," He says nonchalantly.

"Excuse me, no disrespect papa, but this is my family. Peace between me and other gangs doesn't concern you. The only reason your even slightly involved in any of this is because I have enemies and want you safe, I would prefer it if you stayed out of the interpersonal relationships of my family," I say.

"I want you to be safe and cared for when I'm not around," he says downing his whole glass.

"I run the most feared gang and mafia in the world and your worried about my safety, and if I'm cared for?" I ask confused.

I am very capable of taking care of myself.

"You weren't able to take care of yourself when it came it Noah, you had to be saved." he says purring another drink.

"You know why I wasn't able to defend myself, its not my fault Moriah did what she did. The both of them left me with plenty of trauma and triggers and I can't be this strong ass mafia girl all the time. When I'm around anyone in this 'family' I go back to that scared little girl and you know that. You can't use my trauma against me, this is my gang and my real family that we are talking about, I'm not putting them in danger because you cant be like a normal parent and do your job of actually checking in. You don't even deserve the title of my papa your nothing but a sperm-donor."

"Young lady, I brought you into this world, I am your father, you will do what I tell you," he says angrily. He went to take another drink from his glass but it took it from his hand.

"If you called me here after all these months to tell me how to run my business, I'll be leaving." I say setting his drink down and standing up.

"Your marrying Luca Blanks," he says. I freeze and turn around.

"Like hell I am, you may be my papa but you do not control me, I have things I need to do, like have dinner with my real family. The people who actually care about me, if you will excuse me." I say resuming my walk to the door.

"You are not excused, Luca is out there waiting for you, go to him and leave with him. Him and his gang is your new family.  You are no longer welcomed in this home, you have brought shame to this family," he says throwing a ring at me and grabbing his drink and taking a sip.

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