The Pier Exchange

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Luca's POV

This new girl is badass. Her style, her hair, her attitude. She reminds me of someone though I can't put my finger on it. I still can't believe she stood up to me. No one does that.

"Yo, Luca, shipment tonight, with Elena and her gang," Kyle said. I nodded and he exited my office.

Helena Torres was something else. That girl had fire. I wish I could get to know her better. She doesn't seem to be one to date. Not that I would date her or anything. Maybe, if she said yes.

She's badass and already involved with the mafia , a win-win.

If I am the king of the Mafia she is definitely the Queen. She knows how to take care of herself in any situation, besides the one with Noah. I'll have to ask her about that.

She seems so capable of taking care of herself yet she couldn't take down a teenage boy who is part of a street gang. There has to be more to the story.

I shake my head to rid my thoughts of Elena and make my way to my closet to choose a black dress shirt, from my 20 others.

Elena's POV

Great, I have to see Luca in and out of school. Just what I need. More stupidness from his dumbass self.

I swear this boy is so cocky. I can't stand him and his everything. He acts so much like a child I'm surprised people call him a man. Let alone a mafia king.

My phone chimed with two notifications. One reminding me of my exchange with Luca, the other about my meeting with my dad in the morning.

I threw my phone on my bed and went into my closet

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I threw my phone on my bed and went into my closet.

I throw on a pair of black ripped jeans and a black rose croptop. I grabbed a pair of black healed boots and grabbed my wig from my closet. I did the hair last night into a high wavy ponytail with a small braid. I did my makeup natural and called it good.

After I changed I made my way to the pier for the exchange

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After I changed I made my way to the pier for the exchange.


Luca's POV

"What up douche," Helena says well walking up to me. My men pull out there guns and point them at her.

"Chill, I'm really not in the mood to take down all 20 of you," she says stopping in front of Me. I smile at her and raise my hand to indicate my men to lower there guns.

"Helena, how was day sugar cube?" I asks. She rolls her eyes.

"Ya one, don't call me that, two, horrible, you?" She asks. I chuckle.

"Better with you here," I say. She shakes her head and slaps me upside the head.

"Shut the hell up," she says. I laugh and smile.

"You know you love me," I say cockily. She scoffs.

"Keep telling yourself that," she's says well patting me on the shoulder.

"I will," mumble to myself. She raises a eyebrow and I shake my head.

"Elena, were do you go to school?" I ask. She looks at me confused.

"I-um, well, I don't go to school?" She says, well more like asks.

"You sure, because that sounded like a lie," I say giving her the 'I'm not falling for that shit' look.

"Boss, we are done," one of her men tells her. She nods then looks at me.

"See you around lover boy," she says. I nod. With that she turns on her heels and walks away.


I was sitting in my office doing some paperwork when my phone rings.

"Yes," I ask,

"Well that's no way to great your father," my dads voice rings through the phone.

"How long are you staying, and why the sudden visit?" I ask, getting straight to business. I'm only 18 put I lead mafia, I have plenty of reasons to live alone.

"A couple days and I'll talk to you about it later, it has to do with the Italian mafia, is all I can say," with that he hangs up. I let out a frustrated grumble. Great, I love the Italian Mob.

Note the sarcasm.

Not that we have problems we just never have had to associate before. I really hope it's not bad though. I really don't have time to deal with a certain badass chick. I think we are both aware she would win in a fight. All though it would be amusing. I have no time to start a mafia war.

And as long as Helena Torres is the Mafia Queen of the Italian Mafia, I am well aware I would loose that war, with many casualties on both sides.

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