Chapter 70

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As the door opened, Asia looked up, her head heavy. She could feel her own bloodloss trying to slow her down. It wasn't as bad as last time, but it was definitely affecting her. In front of her stood five stunned generals, each in their own military attire. She couldn't tell if they were all from the United States or not. She didn't recognize any of them, as she had hoped she might. They stared at her, open mouthed, as they looked at the thin girl, tangled hair, sitting with her hands bound behind her back, dried blood covering her skin, her right eye purple with the wound of a black eye. She looked absolutely defeated. And yet, without saying a word, she simply stared back at them, like a caged animal.

"What the hell is going on here?" one of the generals asked, a man with a sharp blue uniform and salt and pepper hair. The girl reminded him of his daughter. They must have been near the same age.

Ian Quinn smirked, walking near Asia and flaring his hand out, as if she were a showcase. "This is an example of what we can do to your enemies. This agent, one of the finest in her field, is an example of what we will do if anyone betrays you or goes against you. Your security is of our utmost priority."

Asia stared up at the men, hoping one of them would say something, do something. But she didn't speak, she simply waited. One of them had to be a good man, they were the damn military leaders. But as Ian lead them out of the room, not a single one turned back to look at her. Asia sighed, glancing over at the table where the knives still lay. She was going to have to implement the idea she had before. And it was going to suck.

Slowly, carefully, she began thrusting forward in attempt to slide the chair over to the table. It was a slow, agonizing process, each small movement of the table forward causing one of her wounds to scream in pain. But she didn't make a sound, she didn't cry out. She just slowly, ever so carefully, slid herself forward, inch by inch, until her head was at table level and her shoulder was pressing into the metal of the lab table. Turning her head to the side, she pressed it against the cold metal of the table and pushed her head against the blade, pushing it slowly towards the edge of the counter until it clattered to the floor.

She looked down at the knife, taking a deep breath. The next part would be the worst. She would have nothing to catch herself, she would hit the ground full force. And what would she do then? After she was lying there on the floor, slithering around, trying to get her hands on the blade without being able to actually see it? Where would she go next? How would she find her team? No one knew she was here. She had used her one option of survival, of someone finding her, to attempt to save the life of the man she loved. They wouldn't be waiting at the designated meeting place, not any more. They had been missing for far too long. So either no one was coming for her, or no one even knew to look.

So was there even a point? She could easily just get captured again on her way out. She sighed, staring for a moment. How easy it would be, to just give up. But with a lurch forward and a small grunt, Asia toppled her chair over sideways. She landed with a loud bang, her shoulder screaming out in pain. She bit her lower lip to keep from crying out. Her entire body stung like she was on fire, but she had to keep going. Moving her hands behind her, she stretched her fingers, trying to feel the smooth metal of the blade. It took longer than she wanted, longer than she should have been down for. She needed to get up and out.

Finally, she felt the blade in her hands, and quickly maneuvered it so she could slowly and deliberately slide the blade against her bindings. It was hard work. Tough work. But she could feel herself making headway against the ropes. With fervor, she moved the blade until finally, finally, the ropes snapped and she had sweet release. She quickly shoved the chair away from her and hugged her arms to her chest. Oh god it felt good to have them in front of her instead of pinned behind.

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