The cell had no windows, so I was unable to see daylight nor midnight.It was bearable though. Nobody came except a guy who only gave me daily food and water. At first I didn't dare eat the food. But the smell made my stomach grumble, so I ate it.
The guy who came down constantly was actually really sweet. He would always smile at me and gently placed the food down. Sometimes he would even try to make a short conversation with me.
But I wouldn't reply him back, just smile in response and left quietly after.
I also realised I actually like the cell. It was peaceful. I don't have to worry about Alpha suddenly barging in and begin another round of "torture". I would just sit at a little corner and daydream, sometimes even thinking about life.
I tend to look forward for my meals. They were just simple chicken porridge. But it was delicious.
The cell then opened in the middle of my self-conversation. And I turned my head expecting the guy, but instead was a girl.
I frowned.
"Hello there." She smiled. But it looked wicked.
I turned away.
"Listen, I don't know why you're still here, alive above all, but you won't distract my alpha, you hear me? He's mine. He's my fiance."
I just remained silent.
"Do you hear me?!" She raised her voice.
"Why do you need to tell me?" I asked genuinely.
"It's just a warning. I'm the Luna of this pack. The mate of the Alpha. I dare you to defy me." She said. But her voice had no power.
I smirked.
I turned towards her, giving her all of my attention, like what she wanted.
"That's better. Now-"
I grabbed her neck and stood up.
Her feet was no longer touching the ground.
"Luna? I don't think so." I grinned.
She kept struggling but that made me strangle her even more.
Her face turned a little red before someone yelled behind her.
It's mate Kyra said.
I let go of her and she fell to the floor, gasping for air.
"What do you think you're doing?" He asked sternly.
"Strangling." I answered.
"" I said coldly.
"Alpha, all I did was give her food, then she just strangled me." That girl cried.
I rolled my eyes in annoyance.
"I didn't instruct you to give her food did I?" He looked at her.
"I wanted to be her friend. That's all. Isn't that my job as Luna?" She asked 'sweetly'.
"How many times must I say? You are not my mate!" He raised his voice once again.
I touched his arm and felt his anger.
"Calm down." I said quietly.
"What are you doing? How dare you touch the Alpha?!" She yelled back at me.
"Mate, I want you to calm down." I whispered as I gently rubbed his arm up and down.
He took deep breaths and calmed down. I then let go and went back to my little corner.

Black Luna
Loup-garouPain was all she knew. And if happiness was what she was seeking, she has to uncover her hidden past and her dark secrets to achieve her goal. Will she succeed? #7 - alpha #27 - romance #3 - tragic #2 - luna