Chapter 2

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Just saying that Daniel is kind-of a fuck boy and David is kind-of like a David... so ya enjoy! And David put the Kidd's to sleep so you know. :p

Daniel's POV
By the time I was done with the paperwork David came back. "Hi I'm back" "Hi David, I finished the paperwork" "That's great! Now you are officially a camp counselor!" "Ya but where am I going to sleep?" David thought for a minute and than said "You can sleep in my bed for the night. since Gwen left for a vacation." David muttered the last part but I herd him.

"Who's Gwen?" "Oh Gwen is another camp counselor here and she left for a vacation for about 2 weeks and she likes her privacy so you can't sleep in her cabin."David said taking a seat "Oh, well where are you going to sleep?" "I can sleep on the ground." "Are you sure?" "Ya I am and the ground is comfortable for me." "Ok."I said and then we started a conversation about life,things we like, and even Camp Campbell.


Daniel's POV
By the time we were done talking we where heading to David's room to go to sleep. We got there and David got a blanket and a pillow from what I think is a closet and put them down next to the bed.

"You know David we can sleep in the same bed if you want." "Nah I can sleep on the ground but thanks for asking." He said putting his hands up in defense. "Ok what ever helps you sleep at night.(see what I did there :3) Is there a bathroom that I can go change in?" "Ya it's here." He said going to a door next to the door that I think is a closet.

"Thanks." I said and than I remembered my suitcase that was in my car. "Gosh darn it I forgot my suitcase in my car. Do you mind if I go and get it?" "No I don't mind at all" "Ok I'll be right back.Bye!" I said leaving to my car.

On the way there I saw three shadows of what looks like Kidd's leaving the camp. So I started walking faster to see a better glance at them. And I was right there was three kids leaving. Two boys and one girl. I started running towards them to catch them and cense they where not that far I caught them. "THE FUCK MAN!" One boy that had a blue hoodie and dark curly hair said. "Let go!" The girl that has turquoise hair that was in two pigtails and was wearing red overalls said. "AHH!" The other boy that had brown curly hair and a yellow turtleneck sweater yelled.

"Where do you think your going?" "We're trying to escape this fucking hell hole of a camp!" "max keep it down." The brown hair boy whispered. "So your name is max I see. Well Max I think you and your little friends should go back to camp and go to sleep before I slit your little throats.OK?" "O-ok, guys we s-should really g-go right now." Brown hair boy said again. "Good, now GO." I said putting them down and then they ran of to the camp like there lives depends on it. Now time to get my suitcase.


Daniel's POV
I got to the cabin, went inside and than went to David's room. I opened the door to see a David with just a pj shirt and boxers on while putting on some matching pj pants on. "D-DANIEL!" "Dude were the same gender it's okay. And sorry for not knocking." "I-it's fine you just startled me." I put my suitcase on David's bed and opened it to get my pjs.I went into the bathroom to get changed.

After I changed I put my suitcase next to the bed on the ground and climbed in the bed to sleep. "Goodnight Daniel." "Night David."I said as I turned off a lamp light on a desk next to the bed.

'David looks kind-of cute maybe if David trusts me and I can trust him he could join my cult and be my little toy. Maybe just...maybe.' Was my last thought before darkness took over and fell asleep.
Spelling mistakes and bad grammar is common.

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