Chapter 15

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Chapter 15


Mike’s POV

          It was the night before their next performance and Mike was contemplating whether or not he should try and talk with Chester. They needed to talk or they would never make it through this tour. He just didn’t know if he could do it or not. He’d been at odds with the other man ever since the fight. He sat in their hotel room. He’d shared with Chester again but they barely spoke. Chester sat alone half the time and didn’t talk to him. Mike barely looked at Chester. He couldn’t do it. But today, he wanted to talk to the other man. Just to try and get the tour together.

          “Hey Chester,” Mike started.

          “Yea?” Chester replied not looking at him.


          “What do you want Mike?” Chester asked with no emotion. Mike was taken aback by Chester’s tone. It wasn’t like him.

          “Never mind. If you’re going to be like that,” he said turning away.

          “What do you mean ‘if I’m going to be like that’?” Chester asked with slight edginess.

          “I mean if you’re going to be a stuck up son of a bitch,” Mike said and Chester scoffed at him.

          “I’m sorry. All you want is to be rid of me I forgot,” Chester said looking away.

          “I’m not the one who said that they would rather wait to get married until we’re done performing!”

          “I never said that! You’re the one that made me give the ring back!”

          “Fuck you! We both know you wanted to give it back! I should’ve known I could never marry someone like you!”

          “Oh yea? And what the hell is that supposed to mean!?”

          “You and your mood swings! Just like high school! One day you wanted to date me and the next you called me a fag and walked out!”

          “I was trying to protect you!”

          “From what? Your dad? Look you might be terrified of him but I never needed your help!”

          “You say you never needed my help! But you always did or you wouldn’t be so mad about protecting me!”


          “You hate looking after me! You hate having to deal with my issues! You said it yourself!”

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