Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

Mike’s POV

          It was really quiet in their little apartment for some reason. He still had his eyes shut but he didn’t hear Chester next to him. And he wasn’t in his arms like usual. So he decided he might as well just sleep. Chester was probably going to the bathroom or getting a drink.

          “MERRY CHRISTMAS NODA-BEAR!” Chester screamed as he leaped on him. Mike laughed. That’s why it had been so quiet. Chester had been waiting to jump on him.


          “You’re so crazy!” Mike said with a laugh as he hugged Chester to him.

          “I know. Now come on! Get up so you can open my present to you.”

          “You don’t want to wait for the guys?”

          “No!” Chester said with a smile. Mike rolled himself out of bed and grinned as Chester dragged him out of the room.

          “This better be good if you’re so excited about this.”

          “It is!”


          Mike sat down on the couch and took the box that Chester handed him. He wondered what exactly he had gotten for him. He opened the box and saw a note attached to two tickets. He flipped the note over to see tickets to go to Jay-Z’s concert. His eyes widened as he glanced at Chester.

          “How did you……?”

          “Read the note!”

          ‘Mike, your friend Chester called me up a little while ago and said that you’ve been a big fan for a while. I know you two are from Linkin Park and I think it would be pretty sick if we recorded some stuff together. If you want to, come on to my concert by your place. Bring your friend too. We can talk recording afterwards. There’s a special pass from me on the ticket so you’ll be able to stick around after the concert. See you then. Jay-Z’

          Mike couldn’t contain it anymore. He rushed forward and tackled Chester into a huge hug. Chester laughed as he fell backwards onto the floor. Mike held him gently before kissing him.


          “I love you so much. You have no idea,” Mike whispered and Chester smiled up at him. His dark eyes shone with happiness.

          “You’re welcome Mikey,” he whispered.

          Mike leaned down and kissed him again. He was so happy. Chester had done so much for him. He couldn’t believe what he was going to get to do. It was his dream come true.

          “I can’t believe you called him. I can’t believe what you did,” he said. Chester hugged him and kissed him softly.

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