Chapter 33

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Chapter 33

Chester’s POV

          “Hey Mike, what are you doing?” he asked as he walked into the kitchen. Mike had his computer set up in the living room on the table. He was sitting at it and waving. Chester sat down next to him.

          “I’m video chatting I guess. I put a message on twitter with a link to the chat and stuff. People are talking to me. I’ll answer some of their questions. Want to join me?” Mike asked. Chester shrugged and leaned in to read some of the things people were saying.

          “Mike, when did you figure out that you liked Chester?” Chester read and turned to Mike, “When did you figure that out?”

          Mike laughed as he leaned back on the couch, “That was a long time ago wasn’t it?”

          “He’s liked me ever since I showed him my ass,” Chester said with a triumphant smile and Mike laughed again before shaking his head.

          “No. I liked you ever since I heard you sing at your first audition.”

          “There’s your answer. Next question?” Chester leaned back to read a question, “Will you guys kiss on the chat?”

          “I don’t know, will we?” Mike asked with a smile. Chester smirked at the computer and shook his head.

          “Only if we think its necessary.”

          “Yep. Listen to Chaz over there.”

          “Next question.”

          Mike leaned in this time to ask a question, “What’s the best thing about Chester?”

          Chester grinned as Mike looked at him for a minute. What was Mike going to say about him?

          “His sex,” Mike grinned and then shook his head, “Joking! You know what I love about Chester? He’s so huggable. Like I can never stop holding him.”

          “Awww thanks Mikey. I love you too. You want to know what’s the best thing about Mike? He makes these great waffles. Oh and he’s warm too. He’s like a giant teddy bear!”

          “I’m a giant teddy bear?” Mike said glancing at Chester who grinned and tackled Mike into a hug.

          “You’re my Noda-Bear!”

          Mike laughed as Chester hugged him before wrapping his arms around him and sitting up. Chester saw the chat exploding with ‘awww’ and ‘that’s so cute!’ He smiled but never let go of Mike. Mike read the next question.

          “When is the new album coming out?”

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