Chapter 36

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Chapter 36

Dave’s POV

          There’s a name for every person in a situation. You have the bully. That was Mike. There was the victim. That was the Bennington kid. There were the bullies assistants or cronies. That was Brad, Rob, and Joe. And then there were the bystanders who stood by and did nothing about it even though they knew it was wrong. That was him. It had always been him. He’d never seen the guy do anything wrong. He didn’t deserve what Mike was sending at him.


          “Hey! Hey!” Dave called as he ran down the hallways of the school. He was on his own today. Mike had said he was skipping so naturally all the rest of the guys said they would. Dave had said he had a really important test going on so he couldn’t miss. They had rolled their eyes but let him go. So he decided he might as well try to talk to this kid. He saw the red of his Mohawk sticking up and was glad when there wasn’t anyone around. Most people were in lunch or in class. The boy turned around and his eyes widened in fear. “Wait! I’m not going to hurt you. I…..I just want to talk.”


          The kid stared at him. Dave stopped a few feet from him and took in his appearance. He had on these red plaid pants that were held up with a black belt. He had on a leather jacket over a black t-shirt. But the eyes were what got him. He had these deep brown eyes. He looked scared as hell.


          “What do you want to say?” the kid asked quietly.


          “Well……I’m Phoenix,” Dave said with a small smile. The kid stared at him for a while before taking the hand offered to him.




          Dave grinned at the other kid. He hadn’t really believed that the kid would’ve caught on to his nick name thing.


          “Do you want to eat together today? I know you don’t usually sit with anyone,” Dave said hoping that the other boy would agree.


          “You don’t want to sit with me. You’ll look bad. Shinoda wouldn’t like it.”


          “He’s not here today. I’m sorry about how he’s been acting. I don’t know what’s wrong with him.”


          “It’s nothing I haven’t been through before. Don’t throw away your popularity because of me. Seriously Phoenix. You don’t want to end up like me.”


          “Well, its interesting you know Chazzy-Chaz? I don’t have anyone to sit with today anyway. Now come on,” Dave grabbed the thin boy’s hand and pulled him into the cafeteria. He sat him down at a table away from some of the other people. They sat down and Dave nodded at him, “Not so bad huh?”


          “You’re not a bad guy. I mean, I don’t think any of you guys are.”

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