Part 4: Avengers meet Peter!

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*3rd person POV*

All the Avengers were on a mission except Steve and Tony so they were in the tower alone with Peter. Tony had spent the whole day researching Peters 'Spider abilities' and Steve had been off to the store getting baby stuff with Peter...

*Steve's POV*

"Hmm..." I said while trying to figure out what pillows, blankets, and stuffed animals to put in Peter's baby crib. I looked over at Peter who was in the shopping cart and looking over at a little plush spider that was red and blue.

"Petey do you want this?" I walked over to the spider plush and picked it up. Peter throw his hands up that signaled 'give'. I walked back to him and gave him the plushy. Peter gently picked it up out of my hands and hugged it, putting it close to his chest.

"Haha, so you like spiders?"

"S-sped-dur" babbled Peter.

"OMG, you said your first words ahhh!" I rushed at grab my phone and send a picture of me and Peter holding the spider plush with a caption

'Pete just say his first! It was spider!😍'

Tony replied with a 😆 face and then said 'Adorable, but when are my favorite boys going to come back? I miss you guys.'

I smiled and sent 'We'll come back soon babe😘.'

I put my phone down and looked at Peter who was playing with his new plush spider. I looked over at the blankets and picked out some cute red and blue fluffy ones. Then I got a pillow the had a spider web on it and some plain light blue and light red pillows. I put them in the cart and shopped a little more with Pete. Then went to check out and took selfies with some caption America fans.

We went back to the avenger's tower. "Babe we're home!" I called out to Tony.

"We're?" Natasha (black window) came around the corner.

"Oh did y'all finish the mission already?"

"Yep... wait what is that?" she said pointing to the baby stroller.

"Oh right, Natasha meet Peter!" I unfolded the cover of the stroller revealing Peter half asleep playing with his plush spider like it was an airplane.

"No way. You guys got a kid?!" Natasha kneeled down to Peters level and booped his nose making peter become fully awake and very happy. Peter giggled and put his hands out bopping Natasha's nose making her smile.

"I like him. Can I babysit?" Said Natasha in a way that told me that she wasn't taking no for an answer.

"Of course... Aunt Nat." I winked at her and smiled. She smiled back and picked up Peter.

*3rd Person POV*

Peter had a big smile and was hugging Aunt Nat. Peter still had his spider plush in his hand so he back anyway from the hug and started to babble talk.

"Ba la baba... Aaa blah ba!" Said Peter showing off his spider to her.

"Ha you're just like Tony showing off your cool toys." Said she with a smile.

"What can I say like father like son." Said Tony walking into the hallway. Nat just rolled her eyes and Peter throws his hands up and smiles at Tony.

"Dada!" Said, Peter. Tony's eyes lit up and he scooped Peter out off Natasha's hands

"THE KID CALLED ME DADA!!!" Said Tony very excited.

"Aww you two are so cute together." Said Steve fangirling over them together.

"WHAT HAPPENED?!" Said Thor running into the room with Clint and Bruce following him.

"Whoa there! Calm down, Tony was just really excited because... we got a kid!" Steve said showing them Peter, Tony, and the little spider plush on top of Tony's head (Peter put it there).

"Aww he is so cute! Can I hold him? Can I feed him dinner? How old is he?" Said Clint "No, no, and about 1 year and 4 months." said Tony looking at Peter. Peter giggled and booped his nose.

"Ugh, no fair!" Said Clint.

"He is so cute! Hm, could I do a check up on him?" Said Bruce walking over to Tony and Peter.

"Sure! This kid actually is pretty special he has spi-" "Spider powers!" Said Thor running over to Peter causing the floor to shake. (Thor knows this because well idk really know why but it seemed really cute) You would think Peter would be scared but he just smiled, got his spider off of Tony's head, and motioned for Thor to hold him.

"Man of spiders is so cute!" Said Thor picking him up and put him over his shoulders. Tony did try to stop this from happening but Thor was just too strong.

"What do you mean spider powers?" Said Bruce looking at Peter smiling and pretending to make his spider plush fly because Thor was so tall.

"Well to what we know of this little guy is a super like us. He can climb walls, all his senses are kicked up like 10x, and he has so sort of spider... sense that can see when danger is about to come or baby food as me and Steve learned the hard way." Said Tony.

"Wow that's... amazing I'll run some test and see what else I can dig up about this." Said Bruce very excited.

"Aw, I love this we are just a big happy family." Said Steve. Peter looked at his new family and smiled.

"F-famely!" He said clapping his hands together. Everyone looked at Peter and smiled all of them saying


Ta-Da! I did a longer chapter this time! I hope you guys like it.💗😊✨

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