Part 6: Breakfast!

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After dinner, Thor went back to Asgard since they were done with there mission. Natasha, Clint, and Bruce went back to there rooms. And Tony, Steve, and Peter went to Tony and Steve's room since Peter didn't have a room yet.

*3rd Person POV*

Tony carried Peter over to his crib and placed him inside it with his spider plush.

"Night Pete." Tony placed a kiss on his head and went back to Steve who was in bed already asleep.

"Night Steve." Tony placed another kiss on his head and walked to the other side of the bed to lay down.

"Waaaa, dadaaa waaa!" Peter cried out for Tony.

"What happened?!" Steve jumped out of bed and was ready for that action.

"Uhh Peter happened." Said Tony walking back over to Peter.

"Hm... he could sleep with us?" Said Steve looking worried for Peter.

"What do you think Pete?"

"Dada! Papa!" Peter easily crawled out of the crib using his spider powers and walked over to the bed then climbing on top of the bed.

"Well, I'm going to take that as a yes." Steve smiled at Tony and the family went to bed sleeping peacefully beside each other.

-The next morning

Steve was the first to wake up. He got out of bed and put on a blue shirt and some jeans. He looked over at his bed and smiled when he saw Peter on top of Tony sleeping peacefully on his chest, slowly going up and down when Tony breathed. Also Peters spider plush was on his forehead. Tony was asleep as while quietly snoring under his breath.

Steve went downstairs to the living room and saw that no one was up yet so he walked over the kitchen and started making pancakes and bacon for breakfast. After about 10 minutes after making breakfast Natasha came downstairs wearing some black and red pajamas that Clint get her for her Birthday.

"Morning!" Steve sang from the kitchen.

"Morning Steve. What's for breakfast today?"

"Pancakes and bacon."

"Need any help?"

"Ya could you set the table for me." Natasha got out some forks, knives, and plates while also getting a plastic fork, knife, and plate for Peter. (I just wanted to add in that Peters plate has a spider web on it :3 )

*3rd person POV in Tony and Steve's room*

Tony and Peter woke up about 5 minutes after Steve went downstairs. Tony let out a yawn and then slowly opened his eyes to see a spider plush on his face. He lifts it off and saw Peter half asleep on his chest. He smiled and then booped Peters nose with his nose.

"Morning Pete." He whispered smiling. Peter opened his eyes and laughed while smiling. Tony picked up Peter and got him and himself changed. He then placed Peter on the floor, handed him his plush, and he started to walk to the door. Peter followed him. Tony and Peter got on the elevator and went to the kitchen to see Steve making bacon and a plate of pancakes on the table. Also there was a plate for Peter that had his vitamins, veggies, and cut up pieces of pancakes.

"Papa!" Peter ran up behind Steve and hugged his leg.

"Hey Pete!" Steve bent down and picked Peter. Tony walked over to Steve and kissed his check and Steve went for a quick kiss on Tony's lips. Peter looked at Steve and Tony looking a little jealous so Peter kissed Tony check and then kissed Steve's check. The all smiled and hugged as a happy family.

"Ew." Said Clint walking into the room Bruce followed saying

"I thought that was adorable!" Tony took a joking offense and looked at Clint.

"Your just jealous."

"Uh whatever..." said Clint sitting down at the table.

"Ok lets eat before you guys get to hangry." Said Steve putting Peter down and putting the bacon on a plate. Peter ran over to the living room (the living room, kitchen, and table are in the same room btw... Tony is a billionaire he has big rooms ok 😂)  with his plush and saw Natasha reading a book on one of the couches. Peter used his spider powers to climb on the couch. He looked at her and said

"Ne.. Naa Nat!" Natasha put down her book and looked at Peter with her mouth dropped.

"Oh my god." *Thor coughs😂

"Peter said my name!"

"Awww!" Said Steve very excited and a little emotional. (When Peter first said papa he was balling out crying)

"Breakfast is ready!" Called out Tony. Natasha picked up Peter and carries him over to the table then sat him down at the end of the table. Steve and Tony sat on ether side him. They all sat down and past around the food.

"So I was thinking we could decorate Peters room today." Said Steve smiling. They had pick out a big room for Peter to stay in that had a loft and a lot of windows but no furniture.

"Oh ya we can't have him in your room forever." Said Tony stuffing his face with food.

"What color is his room going to be and what is the theme of it?" Said Natasha very excited.

"Well I was thinking since he loves spiders so much we could do a spider theme and the walls would be blue." Said Steve also very excited.

"Sounds good to me." Said Tony now helping Peter with his food.

"What do you think Pete?" Tony said looking at him.

"Dada ba da pa la du da." Said Peter like he was the boss and pointing to Tony.

"Haha I like this kid!" Said Clint smiling from the other side of the table. Tony just smile at Pete and pat his head.

"I'm taking that as a yes." Said Tony smirking at Peter.

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