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"We got another que2tiion Ed. Get out of that fuckiing corner!"

"Nyeh!" *sticks tongue out.

"IIt2 for you...agaiin..." *rolls eyes*


Eridan, who would you rather share a room with? Sollux or Karkat?

"First of all, Wwhy wwould I wwant to share a room wwith either of them?"

"Wow, thank2 Ed." *crosses arms*

"But if i had to for some stupid reason....I guess sol?"

"What? Really?" *blushes*

"Yeah....you're not loud like Kar so I guess it wwouldnt be that bad."

*rubs back of neck*

"But on the other hand he's not annoyin like you..... But....I wwould still pick you. I'd rather be stuck wwith you than someone alwways yelling at me."

*looks away*

"Um....thank2 II gue22...."

*turns back to husk top*

"Okay next que2tiion...."

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