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O)( Fem Eridan, may I do your )(air?

"Oh shore! Nothin too girly though.."

"But your a giirl now."

"Shut up!" *crosses arms*


Eridan is Sollux's inner horns more sensitive then the outer horns? If you don't know why don't you test it out





*grabs his horns"

"ED what the fu........"


"II.......am...gonna get you for thii2....."

"Oh hush sol, you knoww you like it~"



"Don't touch- there~"

"It's his inner..."


*instantly turns Christmas* M33RRY CHR157M255


"Oh IIt2 what human2 call 12 periigee."

"Oh fuck! Wwe havve to get presents noww!"

"Calm down ED."


Ooh woops. Ok guess I was wrong hehe... Favorite Christmas song?

"Oh! Hehe! There's this song wwe make Kar song evvery year... It's hilarious."

"How Diid iit go agaiin? That'2 a great 2ong...crack2 me up every tiime."

"Wwhat does he call it?"


"Oh yeah!"


Wait it's Christmas now!? I need to go get all of my shopping done! Eridan! Since you're a girl now, come with me! I'll even help you pick out something for sollux! *grabs female Eridan and runs with her to a mall*

"Wwait Wwhat!"

"Oh Gog II hope iit2 not another collar................... 2o...... ..." *awkward silence* ".......2up?"


R£LAX S()LLUX! ITS T()TALLY /\/()RMAL T() PUT C()LLARS ()/\/ Y()UR MAT£SPRIT£! I PUT ()/\/ ()/\/ MI/\/£! ALS(), IM SE/\/DI/\/G ()/\/£ F()R Y()U T() PUT ()/\/ £RIDA/\/.

Al$o... *poof* $ollux i$ a boy again. Enjoy.

"Oh thank Gog! IIt felt 2o weiird.... Gog never do that two me agaiin...."


"And thii2 collar can Bee ED2 pre2ent now. Hehe..."

I'm back! Turns out he had his shots...hehe.

"Yeah, we were goiing two 2ay 2omethiing but you left."

Where's Eridan?

"At the mall Chrii2tma2 2hoppiing."

It's Christmas!? Wow that explains a lot....

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