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Whoa there, Erisol sexy time happening now *fangirl squeal* Umm, be gentle with... Yourselves?


Y()U GUYS £/\/J()Y Y()UR S£XY TIM£S! R£M£MB£R TH£ BUCK£T A/\/D D()/\/T HURT Y()URS£L\/£S T()() MUCH!!

Y€$ Hav€ fun.

"Fuck this! Wwe are not havvin' 'sexy time' yet! Now let me go!!"

"No way 2ol. Your miine~"

"Fuck!!" *grabs onto a wall*

"Oh come on~"



Ok so- *Florence walks in and shoves me out of the way* TD: Nope my turn to ask. You've gotten all the questions now I want a chance ehem Erisol I dare you both to wear a bucket in your head for let's say ten answer sections.

"Bucket2! What a great 2ugge2tiion!"

"Hell no."

"Hell ye2."

*keeps sollux(eridans body) still with psionics as he looks for a bucket*

"Fuck you guys... I'm not ready for sexy time!!"

"Oh well~"

"And fuck that! I'm not wwearin' a bucket on my head!"

"But we are goiing two have lot2 of fun wiith iit~"


ERIDAN this is your opertunity to put some hipster clothes on SOLLUX and Sollux you do have eridans Wwhite science wwand.

"Oh yeah!!!" *grabs white science wand and points it at eridan(Solluxs body) *

"2ol, put that down."

"No sexy time yet."


"Not yet.."

"Fiine... But we are later..and he2 techniically weariing hiip2tef clothe2.."


Admin: have you guys seen Yura?

I haven't seen her in a while. :(


"2orry, haven't 2een her."

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