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My red is Aradia my pale is Kanaya and my ki2 is, well you know.

IIt 2eem2 me and Eridan no matter how many knive2 we'll have eachother2 back... He kept me from kiilliing my2elf, diidnt let me..and 2topped me a couple tiime2 we went trick2ter and Eridan ended up with a grub that wa2 thought two be mine , iit turned out not to be..Aradia wouldn't leave me alone and II accidentally killed her and felt liike II had nothiing to liive wiith, even though me and Eriidan were black he took care of me...

II comforted him when Cronus hit hiim for the fiir2t tiime.

Is aa 2tiill aliive in your tiimeliine? 2he ii2 ju2t iin my head here.

"Sol I'll let you handle this one..." *scooted away from the computer*

"AA ii2 aliive but red for 2omeone el2e.....and...IIm really 2orry.....and ED!" *looked over to Eridan*

"Wwhat sol?" *came closer to him*

*pulled Eridan into a tight hug and started crying*
"Thank you...."

*confused Eridan hugs back*
"For Wwhat?"

"Beeiing there for me IIn the other tiimeliine....."

"No problem...." *eridan reads the message*

"Wwait....I had a grub?"

"Yeah and II thought iit wa2 miine..."

"So in that timeline me and you....."
*blushes a deep hue of violet*
"Oh cod."

"Oh calm down ED. IIt2 an alternate tiimeliine me talkiing two u2."

"And Cro hit me?" *gets sassy all of a sudden*

"Uh ED?"


"Calm down."

"Wwell....tell him I forgivve him evven though it's not actually ME that got hit...this timeline stuff is reely confusing....."

"II know riight?"

"And other me.... Ju2t hold on....your goiing two bee alriight...." *smiles*

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