Logan/Logic, Day 1 - It's a Memeingful Monday!

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Summary: Logan can't stop being a meme (and a disaster gay) and the others find it hilarious no matter how embarrassed Logan is.

For the prompt: b. Draw or write about Logan finding out just how much of a walking meme he is to the fandom. Brownie points if he finds out he can't stop being a meme, regardless of what he does!

Warnings: minor embarrassment, minor angst (very minor)


There's this guy. A very cute, very adorable, fairly hot guy. Logan just happened to agree with the rest of them on this fact (and agree with Roman... ugh.) So, he's sitting here listening to Roman and Patton wittering on (gushing) about this guy, who they haven't even spoken to properly, he simply served Thomas last night at the restaurant. But Logan still blushes furiously, reminded of the way Thomas stuttered his order, making a fool of himself in front of the cute boy. And Logan still can't stop irrationally thinking about this boy.

"Oh my god, I'm a disaster."

That sure gets the other three's attention and Logan flushes bright red. As soon as the words leave Logan's mouth the other three are trying to stifle their laughter, well, Roman less so than Virgil and Patton and Logan absolutely does not pout at that. He hates being the butt of jokes, but it seems to be more and more common (which he doesn't get embarrassed by). "What is so funny now?" He asks, a little louder and harsher than intended but he feels less bad about it when Virgil bursts out laughing and Roman is practically wheezing at this point while Patton wipes the tears from his eyes.

"You're a meme, specs," Roman gets out between gasps, "you're just a massive, walking meme. And such a disaster gay." Logan raises an eyebrow in confusion, he understands what memes are but how could he be a walking meme? "I'm a meme?" He asks after a pause, the others thankfully calming down after their laughing fits. "Here, Lo," Virgil says, beckoning Logan over with a wave of his hand as he pulls out his phone and opens up the Tumblr app.

Virgil's likes are full of memes, just memes of Logan (and a few of Roman) – almost as if he was waiting for this opportunity to arise. He lets Logan scroll through them, though keeping an eye out over his shoulder (he wouldn't want Logan getting into that part of his Tumblr). "I still don't understand," Logan says, furrowing his eyebrows as he reads meme after meme of things he's done or said, his words being twisted in the name of humour. And that worry faintly shows itself again inside of him, the worry that if the others and Thomas' fans do not take him seriously then what is his purpose.

"What is there to understand?" Roman buts in, "you say something stupid-" Patton coughs and gives Roman a pointed look "-something silly then, the fans have a laugh at it and decide to make it funnier, spread it about a bit. It's harmless fun, you dork." And Logan fights not to huff or argue back, it seems less like harmless fun to him but that's just his mind trying to play tricks on him. "So, how do I stop being 'a walking meme'?" He asks instead, handing Virgil's phone back to him.

"You don't, well, not really," Virgil explains the best he can, "you've just got to go with it, see the funny side of it, and not take it to harshly." The end of the utterance is innocent enough but it's like Virgil knows how he feels; he shakes his head with a laugh, "well then, I shall continue to be a walking meme to the best of my ability." They all laugh, soft and fond, at that. And Patton can't help himself bringing them all in to a group hug.

"Aw, Logan, you know you meme so much to us." And then they all groan at Patton's words.

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