Logan/Logic, Day 4 - Throwback Thursday!

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Summary: Patton is a cute, adorable bundle of excitement all over a new ice cream shop opening and Logan can't refuse his boyfriend anything, so, takes him out on a date.

For the prompt: c. Pay homage (write/draw) to a Loganxside ship you used to ship more than you do now! Or if you don't ship Logan with anyone, write or draw Logan platonically bonding with a side you don't normally see him spending time with!

Warnings: food, pda


When Patton came bounding into the kitchen all smiles and giggles Logan couldn't help the smile that spread across his face, as involuntary as it was. Patton quickly sits down at the table in the seat opposite Logan, fingers splayed across the table top as he tries to contain his excitement, but Logan can see right through him by now, after all they've been dating for a year and a bit.

"What is it, love?" Logan asks softly, stirring the last little bit of sugar into his coffee before placing the spoon aside, quirking an eyebrow at Patton who's practically vibrating in his seat from eagerness. "Ice cream!" Patton practically shouts, unable to contain himself, and Loan laughs a little at his boyfriend. "I mean," Patton tries to clear up, blushing, obviously flustered at his outburst, "there's that new ice cream parlour open a few streets away and, um, I really want to go. I thought that we could, you know-"

Patton ends it with a shrug, trying to pass it off as if it's nothing, but Logan just smiles reassuringly, his hand currently not wrapped around his coffee reaches over the table and grabs a hold of Patton's hand. "Sure, we'll go," Logan says, plain and simple, giving Patton's hand a little squeeze in comfort before letting go and resuming drinking his coffee. Patton lets out a noise like a squeal, clapping his hands together before getting up and starting to make dinner.

It's three days later that Logan plans the date. When he wakes up Patton is already up, washed, dressed (which he isn't), and making breakfast (which Logan is very thankful for since he can't cook half asleep). They eat breakfast mostly in silence until their plates are clean and they're sipping the last of their coffees.

"Hurry up with your coffee and put your shoes on, I'm taking you somewhere," Logan says after swallowing the last of his coffee and then heads upstairs to get changed before Patton can ask any of his many questions. And when Logan returns all dressed and ready to go Patton is too; albeit a bit confused but eager to know his boyfriend's intentions. Still Logan says nothing, smiling a little as he leads Patton out of their house and down the road.

It only clicks in Patton brain when they approach the street where the adorably cute ice cream parlour is on. "Oh, my goodness, Lo!" Patton squeals, tightening his grip on Logan's hand and clinging to his arm, "you're so sweet, love." He pauses to giggle to himself at his own pun, no doubt that Logan is either rolling his eyes or looking at him in that soft, fond way that he hates to admit (and Patton loves). "But seriously, Lo, thank you for bringing me here," Patton says as they come to a stop just outside the place, he leans in and presses a quick kiss to Logan's cheek before entering, Logan trailing after him.

Patton's face absolutely lights up as he surveys the ice cream bar, the sickingly sweet choices and toppings – and Patton makes a promise to himself to come back again (and maybe take Virgil because he would love the sorbets they have). Logan winces slightly as Patton orders his tooth-rotting sweet ice cream – a scoop of double chocolate and a scoop of peanut butter with caramel sauce on top and thankfully no toppings – and Logan himself orders a scoop of mint chocolate chip and a scoop of vanilla, no sauces or toppings at all.

And Logan cannot keep the smile off his face, looking at Patton – who looks like a childish adult in an ice cream shop – like he's the best thing in his life (which he has told Patton before – twice, once when he was sleep deprived, the other when Patton was sad and needed that little bit cheering up). But before he can say anything, even a simple 'I love you', their ice creams are ready, so, they take them and sit at a small enough table next to the window, their chairs just so close that their legs touch.

Patton doesn't hold back, almost completely ignoring his boyfriend in favour of devouring the first scoop of his ice cream, well, aside from the cheeky, toothy grin he shoots Logan. "You're adorable," Logan comments absentmindedly in between licking his own ice cream and, despite Patton being the quicker eater, accidentally has ice cream running down his chin now. And Patton giggles, come of he freaking giggles, and Logan fights the blush threatening to spread over his cheeks.

"I could say the same about you, Lo," Patton coos, carefully rubbing the mess off Logan's chin with a napkin but his hand doesn't leave, instead his fingers grip Logan's chin. Holding him still Patton kisses him, soft and slow and so full of love (and it tastes a little sugary). He's still beaming when he pulls away, taking in Logan's shocked and somewhat embarrassed expression. "So cute," Patton repeats, taking his hand away only to boop Logan on the nose with his finger, leaving Logan a little stunned as he returns to eating his ice cream.

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