Chapter 6.

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Karai and Shini had just gotten back from the hospital and were walking into the lair. 'we're back.' Shini said loudly as she set a few bags on the table. 'guys?' Karai called out but they still didn't answer 'the heck...' she whispered, eyes widening she bolted into the dojo and strait to Splinter's room. Karai sighed seeing her father safe and sound. 'Karai, they're not here.' Shini said meeting Karai in the dojo. 'I swear if they did something stupid I'm gonna...' Karai paused hearing faint voices coming from the tunnels. Quickly leaving the dojo the girls gasped seeing the turtles covered in bruises, cuts, and dirt. 'sis guess what...' Raph quickly covered Mikey's mouth 'come on knuckle head, let's get fixed up.' he said pushing him towards the lab with Donnie following. Shini glanced from Karai to Leo 'I'm gonna go see if they need any help.' she said heading towards the lab leaving Leo and Karai alone. 'you went after shredder.' Karai said walking over to him. Leo nodded. 'why didn't you tell me?' she asked stopping in front of him. Leo sighed 'because I knew you'd want to help, but I... I didn't want to put you in danger, you're already hurt.' he said. 'is he...' Karai paused. Leo reached out and took her hand 'he's gone Karai. He'll never hurt us again.' he said giving her hand a gentle squeeze. Karai squeezed his hand in return as she leaned against him, resting her forehead on his shoulder. Leo blushed and wrapped his other arm around her holding her close. 'um Leo...'. The two quickly pulled apart to see a grinning Donnie. 'I hate to interrupt you two but we need to clean your cuts before they get infected.' he said crossing his arms. 'yea, I'll be right there.' Leo replied. Donnie nodded and went back to the lab. Leo turned back to Karai 'well, good night.' he said. 'night Leo.' Karai replied. Leo smiled at her and watched her go to her room before he went to the lab.

The next day everyone was gathered in the lair to celebrate. 'Mikey! Stop eating the pizza!' Donnie said walking in the kitchen. 'fiiiiiiine.' Mikey groaned sitting down and crossing his arms. Raph walked into the kitchen holding Chompy 'can we eat now? I'm starving.' he said. Leo looked around 'yea, but where's Karai?' he asked. 'she's in the dojo.' Shini answered sitting down at the table. 'I'll go get her!' Leo said grinning as he quickly got up and headed towards the dojo. 'he's got it bad.' Raph said watching him go. 'what? Is Leo sick?' Mikey asked worriedly as he looked at Raph. 'no Mikey he's not sick.' Donnie said placing a hand on his shoulder. Mikey looked up at him 'then what does he have?' he asked. 'nevermind Mikey.' Raph said rolling his eyes.

Leo smiled walking into the dojo 'hey, Shini said you'd be in here.' he said walking over to her. Karai grinned 'it's peaceful.' she said looking up at the tree. 'it is that.' Leo replied, after a second he cleared his throat as a blush spread across his cheeks 'well everyone's here now so we're gonna have dinner.' he said looking down at his hands as he began to twiddle his thumbs nervously. Karai nodded and was about to walk out when Leo reached out to her 'wait! I... um...' he paused and took a deep breath 'I was wondering...' he said looking down at the floor. Karai grinned having a pretty good idea of where this was going 'yes?' she replied. 'well um... will... uh... will you... go out with me?' Leo asked rubbing his neck nervously. Karai smirked 'took you long enough' she said 'yes. I'd love to.'. Leo smiled brightly as his eyes lit up with happiness 'really?! You wanna go out... With me?' he asked looking at her. Karai giggled 'yes Leo I do.' she said turning her head to him smiling. Leo felt his heart melting as he smiled back at her 'she's beautiful...' he thought 'does tomorrow night work for you?' he asked. 'sounds great.' Karai answered. Leo nodded 'great.' he said, he glanced over towards the doors 'we should probably go join the others.' he said. 'one more thing.' Karai said. Leo froze feeling her kiss his cheek. 'there, now we can go.' she said smirking at the lipstick mark she left behind. Leo's face turned bright red as he smiled as he took her hand and they walked out together. 'finally we can eat!' Mikey said smiling as he grabbed a slice of pizza. Raph turned his head towards Leo and smirked 'hey Leo.' he said. 'yea Raph?' Leo asked grabbing a plate for himself as he sat down. 'you gotta little something right there.' Raph said pointing at his cheek. 'ooooh!' Mikey grinned seeing the red lipstick on Leo's cheek. Leo blushed as he wiped it off making Karai giggled. Donnie smiled lightly punching the two as Leo shyly glanced over at Karai to see her grinning at him making him smile. 'wonder how that got there...' Shini whispered looking over at Karai. 'no idea.' she replied shrugging. The rest of dinner Raph spent snickering with Donnie while Leo kept glaring at them but when he wasn't he would looking around him at his family, smiling and laughing, but one thing was still missing... Someone was missing. 'Leo, you okay?' Donnie whispered looking at him. 'yea, I was just thinking.' Leo replied smiling. 'hey Leo! Can we have ice cream now?!' Mikey asked excitedly. 'after we clean up okay?' Leo answered. 'I'll do the dishes.' April said getting up. 'need any help?' Shini asked. April smiled 'sure. If you want.' she said collecting a few dishes. 'hey can we play a game too?' Mikey asked. 'sure, go pick one out.' Leo said making him smile before running off. 'I'm gonna go watch TV.' Raph said getting up and nodding at Donnie. 'yep me too, come on Leo.' Donnie said as he and Raph grabbed his arms and pulled him to the living room. Shini smirked turning to Karai 'spill it.' she said and motioned for April to join. April smiled sitting down with them. Karai smirked 'well....'

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