[Jahseh's POV]

I wake up as soon as my alarm starts blitzing loudly on a Monday morning, I check the time and see I'm almost running late for school, I Silently shake my head at my irresponsibility running my fingers through my dreads "damn."I sighed as I quickly got up to shower and brush my teeth.

I change into a black revenge hoodie and some ripped black jeans that have some chains on the side, and I finally complete the outfit by putting on some black timbs.

I bolt to the mirror checking if my hair is okay, I decide to put it up in a ponytail and let some of the dreads on the sides come down as some sort of bangs.

I throw my head back at the clock and see that I have 20 minutes till school starts, it was currently 7:00 A.M. and it takes me 15 minutes to get there, I instantly grab my phone from my dresser, my backpack next to my room door and run down the stairs like I'm fucking dash.


I finally arrive at this hell hole and look around texting my friends gazzy and Omar to see if they aren't too far across campus so we could meet up, that is until the bell rings interrupting my train of thought.

I can't be late again or my English teacher Mr. Allen will kill me. I shuffle my tiny self down the hall and thankfully made it to this fatties class on time. As the bell rung his voice roared throughout the walls "ALRIGHT CLASS, SETTLE DOWN SETTLE DOWN!" he yelled while slamming the books on the desk, he glared at me acknowledging that I came in on time.

I smirked while Everyone was so startled, they became quiet and had their eyes peered on his spherical built self. "EVERYONE" he says loudly "WE HAVE A NEW STUDENT."

For once I actually become engaged in his shitty class as I sit up straight to give him my undivided attention, I was wondering who the new student could be.

As soon as I furrowed my eyebrows the door opens to show a beautiful young man, dark-skinned with a few tattoos scattered on his face here and there, some dreads and a nice outfit that consisted of a pink striped shirt, some ripped true blue jeans and some white Air Force 1's. He looked built like myself too."HIS NAME IS STOKELY GOULBOURNE."

my loud ass teacher emphasized, As I observed him I began to blush and avert my eyes from him. He was honestly kinda cute.

"shit, this is going to be a looooong year"

I think to myself laying my head on the table covering up my heated face until my thoughts were interrupted once again.

"ONFROY!" my annoying ass teacher roared loudly "HEAD OFF THE DESK!" he hissed, I hesitantly raise my head off the table my face still a bright red as everyone EVEN the new kid have their disgusting eyeballs on me, I scoff and roll my eyes at the idiot I refer to as my teacher.

"Stokely, you can have a seat right over there."

Allen points to a chair that is adjacent to me and my mind runs millions of miles per hour trying to understand how fast this is all unfolding. While this stokely kid walks to his chair we make eye contact and I can feel my face heating up once again, I turn my head facing Allen so he wouldn't notice. I hear the chair adjacent to me scrape the floor loudly so I knew at this point stokely was now sitting.

~Stokely's POV~

Walking in this foreign classroom has me feeling somewhat nervous, Im so used to busted hallways and niggas shooting people in the damn hallway or some shit.

But this school seems so...White.

I observe everyone in the classroom, but this one male kinda stuck out to me.

He was light skin, Black and Blonde dreads and a cute blush creeping on his cheeks. Cute. When I looked over at him he just kept averting his eyes as if I was some form of toxic item to look at, I kinda felt strange.

As this loud ass nigga Mr.Allen barks around the classroom he finally shows me my seat, and I was actually happy since I'm near the cute guy and I can finally sit the hell down. I sit down and try to listen to this fat nigga teach his lesson but I'm so distracted by the beautiful male sitting adjacent to me.


I Suddenly catch myself slipping, I'm not gay.

"TCH" I accidentally say out loud.

I cover my mouth quickly shaking my head a little to remove those thoughts from my head- "What the hell?" I whisper to myself inaudibly.


My scary ass jumped, "Why is this nigga so goddamn loud? he screaming like we in another room DDDAMN" I think to myself.

He started calling out names of the people who were being paired together "BECKY AND DOM, YOU GUYS ARE WORKING TOGETHER."he says bluntly.


I block out this nigga because he's too loud for me, making me mad and shit- until he calls my name and someone else's.

"JAHSEH AND STOKELY. YOU TWO WILL BE WORKING TOGETHER." he says loudly, I look around confused to see who the hell that could be until I see the cute guy tensing up at our names being called and his cheeks redden a little.

"Oh so that's his name. it's nice" I think to myself and observing him once more as his face gets red as a tomato.

"SIT WITH YOUR GROUPS FOR THE REMAINDER OF CLASS, I WILL EMAIL YOU ALL WHAT YOU'RE REQUIRED TO DO!" he yodels loudly.The class is filled with shuffling as everyone hustles to their seats.

I hesitantly get up and walk towards him feeling my own cheeks heat up just a little.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Chapter 2 is on the way ;P ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

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