2 fuck love

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~Jahsehs POV~

"SHIT SHIT SHIT HE'S COMING OVER HERE." I think to myself as I see him approach me and take the seat next to me.

"IS EVERYONE IN THEIR GROUPS?!" Allen screams, everyone nods "OKAY GET TO KNOW YOUR GROUP MATES." he says finally sitting his ass down and grading some papers, I'm surprised he ain't break the chair.

"Hey." Stokely's fine ass says.

"His voice is sooo deep. Imagine what else could go deep FUCK WHY AM I LIKE THIS." I think to myself quickly snapping myself out of it.

"Hi." I squeak out feeling dumb as hell.

Silence settles between the two of us as we awkwardly try and not noticeably check each other out.

I clear my throat loudly catching his attention and give out my hand to greet him

"M-My name is Jahseh i-if you haven't already heard." I say softly putting a dread behind my ear and blushing a little.

Stokely smirks firmly taking my hand and shaking it "My name is stokely, nice to meet you Jasheh." He says in a seductive voice.

I immediately felt a throb in my dick as my name just rolled off his tongue, I was getting a little hard and I wanted it to stop.


The lunch bell rings loudly interrupting stokely and it makes me jump a little, luckily my erection went down.

"Welp" he says sighing as he gathers his belongings to put in his backpack.

I mimic his actions so I won't be late to lunch, I'm ready to spill the tea to Omar and gazzy!

I look over my shoulder to see stokely still standing there, I look at him confused.

"What's up stokely?" I finally say ready to leave the classroom.

I notice he was blushing a little, I raise my eyebrow.

"ooh, uh, well- I kinda need your number for this project." He says nervously.

I look at him realizing we do need someway to connect with one another for this project, I nod acceptingly and give him my phone to put his contact in and vice versa.

When that was over we parted ways.

"Bye stokely, I'll text you later on!" I say happily walking towards the cafeteria.

"Bye jah! text me." He says as he vanishes behind the double doors.

I instantly start to blush quickly walking towards my destination so I can meet up with Omar and Gazzy.

I cover up my face with my hand so no one will notice "did this nigga just call me jah?!"I think to myself "He gave me a pet name?!" I think of so many scenarios until I hit someones chest.

"O-oh IM SO-" I look up to see it was gazzy, I rolled my eyes.

"HEY LITTLE ONE" gazzy says loudly "how were your first two periods?"

"They were good!" I chirped "How about yours?" I say nonchalantly.

"It was good, I had this new nigga in my class." he murmured "he was cute."

My eyes widen at this headassery I'm hearing, my defense mechanism starts to rise "Well, Who's the new kid?" I ask questionably.

"His name is stokely or some shit, we talked a little in my first period." He says as if he's dreaming about stokely.

I get jealous.

Gazzy and I have been friends since the womb, I feel so skeptical to give him any detail on what I think of stokely.

The last thing I'd want to happen between us two is for our everlasting friendship to break into shambles right before me over a nigga, I have to think this through.

"Where's Omar?" I say changing the subject.

"He's out sick." Gazzy shoots back.

I've always had an idea that Omar has had a thing for Gazzy he's just never spoken on the matter.

One time Omar, Gazzy and I were at my house, I excused myself to go to the restroom. When I came back I caught Gazzy and Omar making out in my room while I was gone, I don't think they're aware that I saw it.

Gazzy rubs the back of his neck looking around the crowded hallways "Jah, I think I won't be able to hang for lunch, I have lunch detention."

"PFFFT, why?" I chuckle, this man gazzy is always doing some nut shit.

He smirks before giving me an explanation "Well, me and trippie were in algebra and every time the teacher turned around and wrote on her white board we'd silently murmur 'ESKEEEEETIT'."

My laugh slowly but surely filled the hallways "You're so stupid, both of you." I say giving him a harmless stink face.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Time skip to the end of the school day ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

.:.Chapter 3 coming stay tuned.:.

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