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[Jahseh's Pov]

"Damn, this niggas house is big as fuck??" I commented while pulling in the driveway of stokeley's 3 story home.

I scoped the area to make sure I was at the right address and sure enough I was, this nigga aint even mention him being bougie like THAT.

I grab my school belongings from my car and slam the door, this baldie better be ready. I certainly did not drive 20 minutes out of my way for nothing.

I slowly approach the big wooden door realizing that the key was placed under the mat, I lift the mat quickly grabbing the key before sticking it in the keyhole that finally opens the humongous door.

I glance around awkwardly since I was greeted by no one.

"Hello?" I sheepishly called out as I welcome myself in closing the door behind me, I get no response.

What could this goofy possibly be doing?

I put my backpack down near the door and walk towards the stairs "STOKELEY?" I finally gain the courage to call out.

"What??" He finally called back to me, my cheeks flushed at the response. I don't want to annoy him.

"Oh, shit! Come up!" He adds. I slowly walk up the stairs to be greeted by a spacious room on the far left, I quietly walk towards the room and see Stokeley laying on the bed looking scrumptious.

He sat up from his position greeting me with a soft smile, I would let him bend me over-

"Hey jah" He interrupts my thoughts with his raspy voice, my name rolling off his tongue.

"Oh, hey" I muffle shyly, shifting in my stance trying my best to avoid his gaze.

"Why you standing? come sit, let's get this shit out the way." He says sitting up and patting the available spot next to him on the bed.

I shuffle over to the area and sit down, I can smell his cologne and soap that lingers on him, as if he just showered before I came. I inhale unnoticeably and enjoy the minuscule amount of bliss I've got from that before clearing my throat.

Stokeley observes me as I get comfortable before abruptly patting my back and chuckling "why you so nervous?" He finally questions with a smirk

I glare at him, because- ain't nobody nervous. Well, I mean. Not the way he's acting like I am. I roll my eyes at his question "can we do this project please? I don't want to be here longer than I have to." I say getting out my utensils.

"It can't be THAT bad" Stokeley says pushing my buttons, i swear he's such a tease. He needs to calm that down, not really,  especially when I just met him. I hate that I think this cunt is actually cute.

"So what are we supposed to be doing anyways?" He asks leaning back from his position.

"Clearly someone wasn't paying attention." I say chuckling at that sly comment I made, I crack myself up.

"You're saying I don't pay attention, but you were the one checking me out in class." He says boisterously laughing.

I hate this douche already.

"HEADASS!" I exclaimed as my cheeks began to obtain a red hue from the embarrassment "how did you know I was supposedly cHecKinG yOu oUt? Clearly, it was the other way around." I mocked, he don't want no smoke.

"I mean you're gorgeous, so yeah I was." He admitted shrugging, "but let's get this project done." He adds trying to deter the reaction from what he just said.

I froze, he acting bold right now while I'm trying to work? I want to throw hands. Stokeley plays too much, has me all out of my element and this project will be due soon.

"Let me start this project since someone is nervous" he said taking my laptop and beginning to type on the keypad.

I roll my eyes at his action, This is going to be a long evening.


This book is ass ugh I might UNPUBLISH this but idk let me know if y'all fw it 😔❤️

The next chapter will be longer I promise!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2019 ⏰

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