Secret Notes

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Henry's POV

Another day of school. Great.

For once, I wasn't late. I was actually early! I was sat in my seat, staring at my desk. I didn't look up until I heard Ralph talking to someone. He'd just entered the room with Al, and the two were talking about some sort of upcoming sports event. Not surprising considering it was Al. I sighed.

Look at him.. Standing there bein' all cute..

I shook my head a little, diverting my gaze to the wall.

''Hey Henry!'' I heard Ralph call. I glanced at him, half smiling before looking back at my desk. He sat next to me. ''Look.. I'm sorry about yesterday. I shouldn't have been pressuring you like that.'' He paused. ''You don't have to tell me but.. Just know I'm always here if you need me.'' I didn't respond for a moment.

''..Thanks.'' I mumbled, glancing at him again. He smiled a little, before turning to face the teacher when they started taking the register.

>>Time Skip to break<<

I stood behind the school doors. I could see Ralph outside, chatting with Al and Bert. His bag was on the floor next to him.

Just put it in his bag. That's all you have to do.

..Ugh! It's no use. I can't do it.

I leant against a wall, hands in my pocket. I then saw Margaret and Susan approaching the doors. I grabbed Margaret's arm.

''Get off me you freak!'' She snapped, pulling her arm away.

''Yeah, get off!'' Susan mimicked.

''I need to ask a favour.'' I stated bluntly.

''And why should we help you?'' She crossed her arms, glaring at me.

''I just need one thing. It's not that hard.''

The two thought for a moment. ''What's in it for us?'' Margaret asked.

''Ten pounds.'' They looked at each other. ''Fifteen.'' They stayed quiet. ''Twenty.''

''Deal.'' They said in unison. I handed them a small folded note.

''I need you to put this in Ralph's bag without him noticing.'' Margaret took the note, glancing at it for a moment. ''And whatever you do, don't look at it.'' I said, sternly.

''Fine.'' She said, walking out the doors.

As the two approached Ralph, Susan walked in front of him, starting a conversation. Meanwhile, Margaret quickly put the note in his bag like requested. Surprisingly, she didn't open it. A few moments later, the two walked back towards the door. They entered, and I handed them a twenty pound note. They smirked at each other, before walking back outside.

Not willing to see Ralph's reaction when he read it, I decided to skip my next class and head home early.

>>Time Skip to Last Period<<

Ralph's POV

I walked to my seat and sat down. To my surprise, Henry wasn't there. Come to think of it, he wasn't in my last class either. Weird. As more and more students entered, and there was still no sign of Henry, I started to worry a little.

Where is he? Maybe he skipped class.. But it's not like him to skip without telling me.. Oh whatever.

I grabbed my bag. I opened it to see a.. Note? I pulled it out and opened it.

'Meet me at my place at 6. Don't bother looking for me.  - Henry'

''..what?'' I mumbled. ''What could he-''

''Ralph!'' I jumped slightly, looking up at the teacher. ''Work, now.'' I stuffed the note in my pocket and started writing.

About 10 minutes into the lesson, I could no longer concentrate. All I could think about was that stupid note.

What does he want? Is it important? ..Could he.. No. He doesn't.

I sighed to myself as I pretended to work. Soon enough, the lesson was over, and everyone was able to leave.

Once home, I went straight to my room and locked the door. I threw my bag on the ground, and slid down the door. I'd been crushing on Henry for the longest time, but I knew deep down that he'd never like me back. So, I never told him. I'd rather keep it a secret for the rest of my life and stay friends, than confess and ruin everything. I sighed, and stared at the floor.

What if he knows I like him? And he doesn't want to be friends anymore? What if.. What if..

''..NO!'' I yelled, on the verge of tears.

I checked the time. 4:00 pm. I decided I'd go and help my parents with dinner, to clear my head. Tonight better go smoothly.

I think it's love // Henry X RalphWhere stories live. Discover now