The Confession

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Henry sat in his room, anxiously listening to the sound of his clock. It ticked slowly, and he grew even more nervous every time. He was planning to confess his feelings, but the thought of being rejected was holding him back. It was as if he was a prisoner to his own mind, unable to break free. Henry stayed in his position for what felt like hours, until he heard the doorbell ring. He glanced at the clock and sure enough, it was six o'clock. He took a deep breath before leaving the room.

Meanwhile, Ralph was outside, just about as nervous as Henry. He was fumbling his hands in his hoodie pocket, in an attempt to calm himself down. After a few moments, the door opened. It was Henry's younger brother, Peter.

''Oh, hello Ralph!'' He greeted happily, a smile on his face.

''Uh, hiya. Is Henry in?'' Ralph asked, trying to act as calm as possible. Before Peter could respond, Henry pulled him away from the door. He then grabbed Ralph's arm and dragged him inside. He quickly led Ralph to his room, where he slammed the door behind them. Henry walked to his bed and sighed, before sitting down. The two were silent for a moment before Ralph decided to speak.

''So, uh.. Did you need something?'' He questioned, managing to to hide how nervous he was. Henry remained silent for another moment.

''..Yeah.'' His voice was quiet, almost like a mumble. Ralph gulped slightly, butterflies forming in his stomach.

''I.. Wanted to tell you something.'' Henry paused. ''..I just don't know how you'll react..'' He kept his gaze on the ground.

''You know you can tell me anything.. right?'' Ralph replied, a hint of worry in his tone.

After a few minutes of silence, Henry sighed and stood up. He walked towards his friend, before hesitating. He bit his lip a little, and gathered up his courage.

''..Henry.?'' Ralph asked quietly.

Henry took a deep breath. He then grabbed Ralph by his hoodie, and kissed him. After about 10 seconds, the two parted. Ralph was blushing madly, not quite able to contemplate what had just happened.

''I-I, uh.. I..'' He attempted to speak, but couldn't find the right words.

Henry then hugged him tightly, almost as if he was never going to let go. Ralph paused for a moment before hugging back.

''I love you.. I've loved you for years..'' Henry mumbled. Ralph smiled a little at this.

''I..'' He paused. ''..Love you too.''

Henry pulled away, his expression a mix of shock and happiness. ''You.. Do?'' He questioned.

Ralph sighed and sat on the floor, motioning for Henry to join him. He then began to speak.

''Look. Ever since I met you, I've always felt a connection.. At first I thought it was just friendship, but..'' He looked at the ground. ''Then I realised it was something more.''

''Why didn't you tell me?'' Henry asked.

''Well.. I was scared you wouldn't wanna be friends anymore. Besides, I always assumed you had the hots for some girl in our class.'' Ralph answered, looking back at him. Before Henry could say another word, the bedroom door opened.

''Henry, what have you done with- Oh, hello Ralph!'' Henry's mother said, holding a pile of clothes.

''They're over here, mum!'' Peter shouted from his room, holding a pair of trousers.

''Ah, thank you sweetie!'' She exclaimed, before looking back at the two boys. ''Do you boys need anything?''

They shook their heads. ''Alright.'' She half shut the door before speaking again. ''Oh, and Henry? Don't make a mess..'' She closed the door completely, leaving the boys alone once again.

Henry sighed and glanced out his window. ''Hey, it's a pretty nice day.. Wanna go outside?'' He asked.

''Oh, uh.. Sure!'' Ralph replied, and the two left Henry's room. As they entered the back garden, Henry's father was heading back inside. He had gardening tools in his hands, and mud on his clothes.

''Oh, hello boys!'' He greeted. They gave a little wave in response. Halfway through the door, he said something. ''You know, you boys should get yourselves a girlfriend. You're at that age, and you're bound to be crushing on someone.'' He winked at them.

They glanced at each other. ''Heh, yup..'' They blurted in response, scratching their heads awkwardly.

Henry's father smiled. ''Go get 'em boys.'' He then closed the door and the two boys walked towards the still standing Purple Hang Gang fort.

Believe it or not, even after all these years Henry had never been willing to take it down. Granted, he rarely used it anymore, but still occasionally. Even though the gang was still together, it was more popular with Peter and his friends, who had been begging to use it for years.

Thankfully when they entered, it was empty. They sat down.

''Huh.. They really have no idea, do they?'' Ralph said, looking in the direction of the house despite a sheet blocking the view.

''I guess it's kinda.. Unexpected. Ya know, to have your son end up gay.'' Henry replied. They were silent for a moment.

''You know..'' He paused, Ralph turning to him. ''..This could work.'' Ralph hesitated, before replying.

''You.. Really think so?'' He asked, unsure about what he had said. Henry looked back at him.

''Think about it! As long as they think we're crushing on some girl, they'll never suspect a thing!''

Ralph thought for a moment. ''But.. What if they find out? You know how strict my parents can be about this sorta thing.. Remember when they thought I was dating Margaret? I was grounded for weeks!''

''Well, don't tell them! Besides, soon enough we'll be older, and they can't control our love life forever.'' Henry said. Ralph looked down. ''C'mon.. At least then we won't have to hide our feelings from each other..''

''..Alright.'' Ralph replied quietly. He looked back at Henry and smiled. Henry smiled back, and the two hugged again. Henry then whispered something into Ralph's ear.

''Thank you..''

I think it's love // Henry X RalphWhere stories live. Discover now