Hipsterism; Hipsters and the Sh*t They Have to Deal With

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Anyone who's heard of hipsters will have some stereotypical idea of how hipsters think and behave; how they dress, how they talk, what they talk about, what they're into (and what they're not). But the main 'rule' that everyone seems to stick by is that "a true hipster does not say that they're a hipster." Well, in my opinion, that's some BS. Why do you think we have dictionaries? Dictionaries provide us with words that represent many meanings.

For example, if someone said the word 'hipster' to you, you would most likely (based on what your already know) imagine a person, early age being 14 ranging to around 25, with horn-rimmed glasses, a scarf despite the temperature, feather earrings, a sh*t load of bracelets and bangles, skinny jeans, a messy bun for girls if they have long hair, facial hair for males, probably converse shoes, red lipstick and a book in their hand. Does that sound familiar at all? Now that's just brushing the appearance of a hipster. But in general, that Is what a hipster is generally about.

The horn rimmed glasses I believe just come from the idea of having a vintage look, inspired by Buddy Holly (Google), the scarf is a fashion statement, feather earrings, because they're light and give a message of being light and free (non-caring) I actually don't understand the bracelet thing but it feels good to have weight on your wrists I dunno :/ XD skinny jeans are again a fashion statement, a messy bun, to show that we're easy going and we don't care (when we really do). Converse as one of many choices because it's a retro brand. In the 80's and 90's you could buy a pair of Converse for £10 (some woman stopped me in the street after noticing mine a d was reminiscing on the part economy XD) The red lipstick is about the only colourful thing you will see on a hipster, also a very good excuse to leave a mark on your used starbucks coffee cup or "stay in" mug for photo inspiration on instagram and tumblr. The book is a symbol of going back to basics, appreciating what we already know and re-learning things we missed before being shoved into the new age of technology *que Radioactive by Imagine Dragons* (You should check them out, I was listening to that song way before it became more well known I promise you that #seriousface).

But is it really so bad to be called a hipster? Really? My friends have called me a hipster on so many occasions and I've accepted it with grace and excitement because that is just me being me. But me happens to be a hipster :) And no, not all of us are eco freaks, although the enviroment is very important to us. Vegetarianism and Veganism is a hard one not all hipsters are these. A hipster could still eat meat, it just depends how much they love the environment. That is a personal choice and should have no relation to the subculture.

As a hipster you constantly see things outside of the norm and you question things for a deeper meaning. You stop saying yes, no and ok and instead start asking 'Why'.

Hipsters are cool people. They know who they are and are not afraid to be who they are. We prefer to be the different one, the one that is reading their 'unheard of author's' book on the train while you guys band together the and sing along to 1D's Best Song Ever.

We are the ones who understand all the theatre jokes because we've read the play before we've seen it on stage. Hipsters are the reason why the coffee section is constantly in need of restocking. Have you tried that stuff? It's fucking awesome. The term 'hip' meant and still means 'to be in style, or to be stylish'. From society's standards being stylish is emphasised on every type of person every. single. day. Yet you have friends mocking me saying that I'm a hipster, and expecting me to cry. I'm waaay too strong for that. Way too strong. If you ever want to break the person who you think is a hipster (because really the clothes can't change you; they can put you in the whole mindset stereotype, but it doesn't last) you would need to confuse them. Make them question everything they believe in, everything they love, and hate. If they are solid on their beliefs, be it religious or not, you can never break a hipster's mindset. Ever. And that's another thing about us hipsters, we generally see the world in a different way, we keep life real. Any more real and we would be depressed because, let's face it, this world isn't exactly sitting pretty is it?

So whenever you think you see a hipster, give them a victorian style nod as they walk or pedal by, and know that they really have their head on straight.

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