Indie: What is it Exactly?

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What do you think of when you hear the word indie? Most would say alternative music, others would say skinny jeans and rock. I agree with all of those, although the term actually is derived from 'independent' for record labels, so basically musicians, typically bands that release their own music under their own name and are not represented by mainstream record labels. Pretty cool, right? Indie is the music style, end of. The converse, skinny jeans, tight bands shirts and beanies can be referred to as hipster fashion, which it is because hardly any one will tell you that you look indie (apart from my friend and she really doesn't have a clue) but yes gain does play a key role in this. The scarf is more indie than hipster, I'll give us that.

Define Indie Music (IMO): Music that you'd only hear on the radio twice at most, depending on how catchy it is, which makes no sense because then the song had become mainstream...

It's hard to be indie. Then again no it isn't because indie isn't a mindset. It's a style of music and mild fashion fads. If you wanna be indie, just chill. Find the right music. It will influence you to understand what Indie is about. The lyrics are meaningful: understand why that is. Tune in to the emotion of the lead singer/soloist. Be as laid back as necessary. That's it really :)

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