Chapter 1

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Heres chapter 1. I hope you like it.



Chapter 1

~~~The beginning~~~

I felt the warmth of the shining sun on my face. I yawned and stretched in my bed. I did not want to get up from my comfy bed. I turned to my side and opened my eyes. The sun lit up my room and I smiled. I loved being woken up by the sun. One of the reason I hated school. My motto is “If it’s still dark outside, I need to still be asleep”. I saw the red numbers on my alarm clock and kept my smile. 11:16am. It wasn’t till I realized what time it actually was that I shot out of bed.

“Shhhhit!” I cursed running to my closet.

I’m surprised I didn’t trip on my way there. I’m late. Crap, how could I have slept in on a day as important as this one? Crap, Lisa was going to kill me. I got dressed not even looking at what I threw on. I ran out my room while trying to get a sneaker on. I lost my balance and bumped into the wall.

“Ow,” I whisper and continue running to the stairs with only one shoe on.

Lisa is my best friend and today is Keith’s—her mate—graduation. The reason I saw she will kill me, is because Keith is like my brother and he’s not one to get mad easily. He’ll probably just brush it off and get me back later. He’s a fun guy and I almost killed him when he started dating Lisa. Thought he was gonna play her too, but no, it had to be even worse. Mates, I mean why? It was so awkward at first but now it’s cool. I ran passed a mirror and almost cried. My hair was a mess but I had no time to fix the curly mess.

I make it down the stairs and trying putting on my other shoe. I grab my phone and run out the house. I made it down three steps before going back inside. I grab my car keys and go back outside. I get in my car and drive off. I drive as fast as I can without breaking the speed limit to school. On the way I try to fix my hair at the stop lights but it’s no use. I finally make it and park in an open parking space. I turn my car off and run to the school. Crap, not only would Lisa kill me but Keith would be disappointed in me. I mean I’m like his sister, we grew up together.

I ran down the halls of the school and to the auditorium. I burst through the doors just in time. I cringed when the door made a loud slam against the wall. Everyone turned to me and I gave a sheepish smile and waved. The lady who was calling the names glared at me before calling the next name. Way to make an entrance, note sarcasm. They call Keith up to get his diploma and I clap breathlessly and loudly.

Well at least I have great timing. Keith gives me a dirty look and shakes his head. Yup, I’m dead. I sigh and slump against the wall. I doze off as more names are called. I snap awake when a lot of clapping is done and clap along. It’s finally over. I walk outside and wait for my death.

I spot Lisa first and try to hide in the crowd that was coming out of the building. As of one being my best friend and mate of Keith, I knew I would die a slow death if she found me. I was glad for once that I was short because it would make it harder for her to find me. I ducked my head and tried to hide. I bumped into something warm and looked up. My heart jumped when my eyes met Keith’s younger brother, James. He was so cute and sweet.

He had a smile as he looked down at me. He may be younger then me by two years but he was still taller. He had messy dark brown hair that matched his brother’s. He was tall and well defined. If you put us together you would immediately think that he was older. I sheepishly smiled at him and waved.

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