The Million Burning Worlds (part one)

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Mine eyes have seen the glory
Of a million burning worlds
All their contempt and heartbreak
Shall go on for nevermore
The truth of the matter is that happiness burned too
And all that remain are few

On one world there was a happy family
The mom and dad loved each other,
And the dog loved the son.
But the mom and dad drifted and the dog died too
And all that remain are few

On another there was a happy couple
They both wanted to fly away together
And defend their nation
But the happy couple made each other sad
And all that remain are few

On another there was an old man
He was the heir to a musical legacy
And loved doing his do
But the old man got laid off to teach 12-year-olds
And all that remain are few

Oh yes, mine eyes have seen burning worlds,
At least quite a few.
But there's more when you dig below the surface,
In installment 2.

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