Chapter Two: Demoted To A Baby

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Summary of the chapter:

Edd, Matt and Tom have a breakfast together while Matt's trying to feed Edd who's being very salty.


"Aww! Aren't you a cutie Eddie!" Matt said as he reached to touch Edd's check, who was giving him and Tom angry looks like if he's going to shot some lasers out of his eyes or something after a while. Matt's attempt was unsuccessful as he pulled his hand back when Edd tried to bite him "Hey.. that's not cute at all!"

Everyone was at the kitchen table. Breakfast was already served - everyone got their own bow of cereal expect Edd who got a baby version plus a baby bottle of cola instead of a glass.

"Can't I wear some pants at least?" Edd said. He was wearing just a short pastel green shirt with a picture of a cute white sheep on it. Tom didn't allow him to wear pants so his diaper was fully visible.

"Come on it's not that cold. And what kind of a punishment will it be if nobody could see you wearing that diaper?" Tom answered.

"And beside you look so adorable like this!" Matt added as he tried to give Edd a hug but backed away as he received another angry look from his diapered friend.

"I guess we have to settle the new rules in the house" Tom said taking a sip of his glass of cola.

"What new rules? I'm supposed to be the leader here-" Edd said.

"Not anymore! For now you are demoted to a baby!" Tom continued "You'll be wearing a diaper 24/7 and request Matt's or my help to change it. You can't use the bathroom or go outside alone. You'll also request our help to take a bath. If you disobey any of those rules you'll get a time out or even a spanking!"

"Can't use the bathroom? Than where am I going to- Wait! No way I'm doing this!"

"Don't interrupt me, I'm not done yet." Tom ignored Edd's protest "You'll refer to me as daddy and to Matt as mommy."

"Yeah, wait we haven't voted it why am I the mother?" Matt asked.

"Because I'm more manly than you"

"I'm not calling anyone daddy!" Edd crossed his arms. "Beside where did you get all this baby stuff so quickly?"

"I think someone's being a way too curious baby" Tom said trying to hide his slight blush. "Let's have breakfast now"

Edd sighed grabbed his spoon but Matt stopped him.

"No, Eddie babies can't feed themselves! Allow me." Matt took the spoon of his hand, giving him a smile as he filled it and moved it towards Edd's mouth "Here comes the airplane! Open up!"

It took Matt quite a while to make Edd eat like this and it didn't pass without getting one third of the baby cereal on Edd's face and the floor. Tom tried so hard to hold his laugh at this adorable and funny scene.

After Edd was done with his breakfast Matt carefully cleaned his face with a napkin. As he put the used napkin away he took the baby bottle with cola prepared for Edd looked at it and then at Tom.

"Honey, are you sure it's safe for the baby to drink this? It's full of sugar!" Matt asked.

"You are taking this role play thing way too seriously" Tom gave Matt an 'are you dumb or yes' look "You don't have to pretend you are my wife, Matt. This is his favourite drink, we are trying to punish him not to kill him! Let me take over for here so you can have breakfast."

Matt nodded as he handed the bottle to Tom and turned his attention to his food.

"Wait what are you doing?" Edd yelled as Tom picked him up from the chair he was sitting on "I can walk on my own!"

Despite Edd's fighting Tom managed to carry him to the living room. Sitting on the couch with blushing Edd on his lap in a position to make bottle feeding easier he successfully put the bottle in Edd's mouth without facing much fight from him.

"Now drink little Eddie~"

Edd had no other choice but to do as he was told. Actually it didn't feel as bad as he expected it to be. After a few rests for air the bottle was empty. Tom put the bottle aside. He helped Edd burp by patting him on the back ((yes, I'm not sure if it actually works I've heard that it's how you help babies burp but I don't know if it works for adults too)).Tom let go of Edd allowing him to sit on the couch next to him. Edd blushed as he avoided eye contact with Tom. Tom just smiled at the sight.

"You're so cute when you're behaving like a good boy, Eddie. Keep it up and maybe you'll get a reward." Tom winked as he got up. "Now come on Eddie, we need to get you dressed up. We are going out shopping."

Edd felt a little scared when he first heard they are going out. The humiliation so far was more than enough for him. He didn't want to be seen wearing a diaper in public! His worries were a little calmed down as Tom let him wear his regular clothes. And more importantly pants too. He managed to steal a quick moment to look at himself in the mirror to make sure the diaper wasn't visible. Luckily it was barely noticeable.

Edd waited patiently till Tom and Matt get ready to leave. After a few minutes the three of them were in the car, heading off for the mall.


Okay this is kind of short sorry I'll try to make the next chapter a little better!

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