Chapter Four: Someone Needs A Shower

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Summary of the chapter:

Matt helps Edd take a shower after they came home from their trip to the shop. After it Edd goes for a little nap. Contains some MattEdd fluf. 


''I know you are sleepy but you'll need to take a bath first'' Tom said to Edd, who was dozing off on his shoulder while he was carried into the living room. As he saw that Edd was awake, rubbing his eyes sleepily, he put him back on his feet then he turned to Matt who walked in the room after him ''Matt, will you help him while I take care of something?'' 

''Okay'' Matt agreed with glee ''Come on Edd, let's go to the bathroom'' he took his sleepy friend's hand and lead him that way.

Matt didn't face any fight from Edd while undressing him tho it wasn't easy either because Edd had no intention in co-working either. He had to carry him under the shower. Edd sat on the floor. This would make Matt's intention of staying dry a little harder to achieve but it was better than sleepy Edd falling and injuring himself. Matt turned on the water above Edd's head. He smiled gently as he watched the drops run through his hair then down his closed eyes and reddish cheeks. He was so cute. 

When he made sure Edd's body was already wet he stopped the water so he can help him wash himself. Matt took the bottle of kids shampoo Tom had left there earlier this morning, opened it squeezing enough on his hands then applied it to Edd's hair. Rubbing it nicely but still gently so he can make sure it gets clean Matt heard a sob coming from his friend. 

''Oh did some of the shampoo got into your eyes? '' Matt's expression quickly turned from a gentle smile to a worried one. 

'' it's okay'' Edd said as he continued sobbing

''Then why are you sad?'' Matt noticed tears forming in Edd's eyes.

Edd didn't answer but Matt kept on trying to make him talk. 

  ''I... can't believe this happened...'' Edd finally said through  tears.

''Wh.. oh this. Don't worry everyone has accidents sometimes. It's totally fine.'' Matt tried to cheer up his friend as he continued washing his hair. 

''I... I just... only little babies do such things'' 

''Well, you are our baby'' Matt regretted not thinking twice as maybe it wasn't really the best thing he could say. 

Edd remained silent expect for a few quiet sobs.

''Look, it's totally okay. Nobody knows but us'' Matt tried to clean his hand from the shampoo so he can wipe Edd's tears tho it was useless since Edd did it for himself as he lifted his face up to look at Matt. 

'' all Tom's fault!'' Edd said, anger was building inside him.''Why is he even making me do this?''

''Edd...'' Matt tried to calm his friend. 

''He's just messing with me to see how long I can stand him''

''Edd! It's nothing like this! Let me explain.''

Edd stayed quiet looking at Matt waiting for his explanation.  

''When we learned that you have a bed wetting problem the first reason we could explain it with was that you are putting too much stress on yourself. You are the one taking care for most of the things around here and you are doing most of the work. We decided that you deserve a rest.''

''Wait... then why did you kept teasing me when you found out I've wet the bed that morning a week ago?''

''Well... we though it was only a one time thing, but when we found out it wasn't we got worried.'' 

No matter how he wanted to deny it, Matt's story sounded kind of believable. Maybe he really needed a rest? Maybe this really could help him? It all seemed odd to him but it was worth giving a try.

''So... should we go explain to Tom that it's not going to help you?'' Matt said rubbing his neck nervously. 

''No!'' Edd blushed ''I.. I want to try this...'' he mumbled the last words but it was enough for Matt to understand.

Matt let out a happy 'iiii' sound as he hugged Edd tightly not caring that he will get himself wet... nor that Edd was naked. 

''Okay... okay let's finish what we've started, shall we... mommy?'' Edd said as he barely could believe that he just referred his friend that way. 

Matt happily helped Edd finish his shower. Then he helped him warp himself in a towel and walk to his room to put his clothes on. When Matt opened the door to the room Tom was waiting inside sitting on a chair.

''Finally, I've been waiting for ten minutes already!'' he said as he turned to his friends on the door way.

Edd noticed that his room appeared to be less messy than he remembered. Also his bed was prepared for sleep. He had no time to put on new bed sheets in the morning but probably that was what Tom had to ''take care of''. 

Edd crawled on the bed as Tom followed him to help him dry himself and put some clean clothes on. Matt lied down next to him the whole time. He was trying to distract Edd by messing with his hair or pinching his cheeks and calling him cute. It sort of worked as Edd didn't even realized when he was already wearing a clean diaper and a long shirt with white, olive and dark green strips on it. 

''Time for a nap little Eddie'' Tom said as Matt got up to let Edd lie down on the bed properly 

Edd could really use a nap after all that happened today. He still felt kind of weird and a little bit of worried to leave all the work that needs to be done around to his roommates but he had to admit that it felt nice to be taken care of. 

''Have a good rest'' Tom pulled the covers over Edd giving his a kiss on the forehead. 

''Wait'' Matt said suddenly as he exited the room only to return less than  a minute later with what appeared to be a stuffed white bunny. He put it carefully next to Edd ''It's nice to have a stuffed friend next to you when you are going to sleep~''

He received a smile in repose from Edd who cuddled the toy. 

''Come on Matt let's leave him to rest'' Tom said as they both left the room to give Edd some peace and quiet. 


Yep... I suck at  writing dialog :'D

Btw I'm sorry it took so long ^^;

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