Chapter Three: Too Much Cola

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Summary of the chapter:

The trio goes shopping and spends the day at the mall. Edd takes a little more drinks than his bladder can handle. Luckily he's wearing his diaper. Contains some MattEdd and TomEdd fluf! 


The trip to the shopping center felt longer than any other time for Edd. Just as he expected he wasn't allowed to drive and was forced to sit on the back sit. Well at least Tom didn't pull out an adult size child sit of some sort. That would been embarrassing. The car ride was silent as nobody really spoke. Soon they where at the parking lot thankfully found a place to leave the car quick. 

After getting out of the car the tree of them walked inside. Edd was hopping that they would just grab whatever they need and leave quick but his expectation didn't become reality as Matt insisted they should walk around visiting a few other stores before heading to the supermarket. Since he wasn't allowed to be outside alone Edd had no other choice but to follow him. 

They lost quite a lot time there mostly due to Matt being unable to pick between two mirrors ((you know he can never have enough of those XD)) that looked exactly the same according to Edd and Tom but apparently not to him. Tom looked at his clock realizing that it was already lunch time he suggested they should go for some snacks. Edd wasn't really found of this idea since he wanted to go home as fast as possible but Matt agreed so he had no other choice but to agree as well. Once again Edd felt lucky Tom didn't buy him a kids menu but normal food. Both because he was hungry and he doubt such one would really mange to feed him and because it would be strange and attract attention probably. 

The shop offered free refills with the food and knowing how big cola lover Edd is it was easy to predict that he will drink as much as his stomach could contain. Soon he realized it was a huge mistake. They left their table and went straight to the supermarket.  That's when Edd realized he had to use the toilet. At first it wasn't such big of a deal for him but after ten minutes or so realizing that his friends had no intention to hurry at all he started to doubt he can make it. Matt got distracted by a stand with mirrors on it. Tom decided to leave him there for now. Edd followed Tom who was getting some stuff in their shopping cart. 

''Tom.... can you excuse me to the bathroom?'' Edd said quietly as he got closer to Tom so he can her. 

A smirk formed on Tom's usually expressionless face.

''Tom? I think I made it clear this morning how you should refer to me for now on!' 

''There's no way I'm gonna say that!'' Edd's face went from rather nervous to pissed. ''Anyway I'm going to find a bathroom-''

''Little ones are not allowed to walk around the mall without their parents~'' Tom interupted him. ''Beside you are wearing a diaper right?'' Tom's smirk grew wider as he said his last sentence. 

'' way I'm going to do that!'' Edd whispered as his face grew red ''W..what if it leaks?''

''It won't don't worry'' Tom answered ''Now where was the butter?'' 

''It's right here next to the milk and the yogurt.'' Edd replayed rather pissed. He knew what Tom was doing.

''Nah... I'm sure it was this way...'' Tom walked in the opposite direction of the one Edd suggested.

''I should have gone with Matt!'' Edd told to himself as he followed. 

Tom acted like he have never been to this place on purpose however he didn't achieve his goal. The pressure in Edd's balder was getting higher but he still manged to do good despite already feeling like he was giving up a few times. Tom was hoping that Edd will end up being himself there but he didn't. Edd knew it and gave Tom a rather diabolic smile after they got Matt and went to pay. 

As they walked out of the store Edd felt a serious pain in his bladder making him do a rather loud ''och'' noise. The others turned to see Edd holding the lower part of his belly.

''Are you okay, Edd?'' Matt asked.

'''s fine I just need to sit down a little'' Edd said as he approached a nearby bench. His friends sat next to him as Matt put an arm around his shoulders. 

''It's okay Edd, you can just go'' Tom spoke quietly as he lead closer so Edd can hear him ''The diaper will absorb it. I promise you.'' 

''Beside you can hurt yourself if you hold it for too long'' Matt added as he understood what was going on with Edd.

Edd looked up at both of his friends who gave him small nods. Matt removed his hand from over Edd's shoulders so he won't disturb him additionally. Edd backed resting his muscles as he finally let the urine lave his body. The diaper did his job as he didn't feel really wet. He tried his best not to make a too loud noise that may bring attention as he felt a mixture of pain and pleasure. It took a whole minute till he was finally done. 

''Done?'' Tom turned to his friend who was facing the floor. Face red as a tomato. 

Edd let out a quiet 'uhm' in replay.   

''It's okay Edd, nobody noticed.'' Matt tried to calm his ashamed friend.

''Let's just go home'' Edd said silently. 

They got up and made their way to the car. Edd had a tiny almost unnoticeable spot on his pants from where the diaper had leaked but Tom decided it would be better if he doesn't tell him and they get out as quick as possible. They got into the car. Tom was driving and Matt decided it will be a good idea to sit on the back seat with Edd this time. 

Most of the ride went silently as Edd was weeping in Matt's embrace who tried to calm him down petting his hair. By the end Edd felt kinda sleepy but just as he doze off the car stopped in the alley by their house. He was about to get up when he heard the door next to him open after Tom had come out, Matt let go of him letting Tom pick him up and carry him inside. 


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