Chapter 1

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Y/n stared around the DPD seeing how it had changed since the last time he had been there. Not much had changed other than a few new officers which had been recruited since he went away. You see Y/n wasn't an officer, instead he was an agent but still he held all the relevant trainings of an officer. Y/n would be called in when cases would get too hard for the officers at the DPD, assisting them in highly intelligent ways and never once failing a mission he was assigned to. So here Y/n was awaiting for the briefing about the new case he would be assigned to to end. Although he rarely payed attention, Y/n always picked out the relevant information, storing it away for the later execution of his missions. Over the past year when Y/n was away from the DPD he had made a name for himself, becoming one of the most famous agents of his time. However this case would be one of the most confusing cases the agent would come across in his career. The case of the deviants.
As Connor went to join Hank at his desk which sat across from the lieutenant, he noticed a new figure standing in the glass room of Captain Fowler's office.
"Lieutenant?" Connor asked
"Jeez Connor what's on your god damn mind now?"
"I was just wondering who that man is. The one standing in Captain Fowler's office?"
"You gotta be fucking kidding me? How do you not know who that is."
"It is hard for me to run a diagnostic scan from this far away. If only I could get closer then I may be able to identify him."
Hank sighed in frustration just as Y/n strolled out of the glass room.
"Hey Y/n! Good to see ya buddy how's it been." Gavin exclaimed placing a hand on Y/n's back. Y/n looked at Gavin sceptically muttering out a fine before continuing his journey to a certain two desks.
"Hey Y/Ln! It's been a while what brings you over here?"
"Hey Hank, I've actually come to speak to you about the deviant cases you've been working on, it seems like you could use a bit of help from the world famous master agent!" Y/n said sarcastically
"Ha ha very funny, but yeah we could use your help. I assume that Fowler has already talked you through exactly what we're dealing with here right?"
"Yeah he did and it sounds like the guys at cyberlife really fucked up." Y/n explained with a slight laugh. Meanwhile, a very observant android was running a diagnostic scan on the agent, finding out everything he could about him. Once the scan was done Connor was able to recognise the agent, also tuning into the conversation they were having with Hank.
"I am sorry to interrupt you agent Y/Ln but I must assure you that not all androids are deviants."
"Excuse me? But who are you?" Y/n asked with a slight raise of his eyebrow.
"Agh don't mind him. He just likes to show how much of a smart ass he is."
"I am Connor, the android sent by cyberlife to assist lieutenant Anderson on the deviant cases." Connor explained.
"Well damn Hank either this is a really tough case or you've gotten worse at your job." The agent laughed.
"Hey! Watch it ya bastard!" Hank said as he slapped the back of Y/n's head. Y/n laughed even harder before holding a hand out to Connor.
"Well it's a pleasure to meet you Connor. You already know who I am but please just call me Y/n." Connor looked at Y/n's hand, took it in his and shook it. A strange feeling erupted in Connor, it felt like his bio-components were being sent into overdrive, a feeling which he was not familiar with. Connor let go of Y/n's hand and smiled softly.  If Connor can't find an answer to the strange feeling he experienced he would have to ask Hank. Surely Hank would have the answer to the question he was looking for. Right?

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