Chapter 5

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Summary: Hank and Connor are being held hostage by a deviant gone rogue who is seeking revenge on all humans. Luckily Y/n is on hand to rescue the pair, showing us a side we never knew to the agent one being a determined badass side and the other being a loving side, only for our favourite soft boy Connor.

Hank and Connor hopped into Hank's car ready to drive off to their latest deviant case. Y/n again had decided to sit this one out, still wanting a break after the first case he was assigned to didn't go to plan. Hank informed Connor about all the details of the case and so far Connor knew that the deviant was trying to gain android rights by killing anyone who disagreed with him. The android was a WR600 model who had gone rogue after being attacked by a human. This android was said to be extremely dangerous, having killed 6 people already. So naturally Hank and Connor were called to the scene of the crime, their mission to stop the rogue android from harming anyone else. After Hank had informed Connor about the android , the pair of them sat in silence, the only sound that could be heard was the sound of the cars engine as it traveled down the frost covered roads towards their destination.
The lift pinged to a stop the doors sliding open, signalling for Hank and Connor to make their departure out. Hank felt anxious knowing the deviant could kill both of them on the spot. It seemed like the android would do anything for the rights of its people. Although Hank would not admit it he couldn't blame the android, the way people treated them wasn't right and he could see nothing wrong with the androids being allowed rights but not all people throught that way.
"Lieutenant? Your stress levels are rising. Are you alright?" Connor asked Hank sincerely. Hank merely grumbled before replying.
"I've got a bad feeling about this Connor. This android will stop at nothing for the sake of his cause, that makes him very dangerous. I've dealt with people like him and it never ends well." The lieutenant replied worriedly. Connor hummed understanding Hank's concerns, also knowing this would not be an easy mission.
"Don't worry lieutenant, we'll have him cuffed and in the station in no time." Connor replied trying to ease Hank's mind. The two of them continued to walk along the hallway where they were met with a SWAT team waiting outside of a large black door.
"There you fucking are, I was starting to think you wouldn't show up." The head of the SWAT team announced in annoyance. Hank rolled his eyes.
"Well we're here now aren't we." He replied back, equally annoyed.
"What's the situation? How's the deviant?" Connor asked, needing to know all of the recent details to determine what he best approach was.
"Well he's already shot down three of my men so you can add that to his body count and he's just been standing there, says he's waiting for his 'bribe' whatever that means." The commander replied perplexed. Connor mumbled a 'Thank you.' Before walking over to the door, opening it the slightest bit in order to speak to the deviant.
"I don't want to harm you, I just want to talk, is that okay?" Connor asked.
"Are you sure this is the right approach?" Hank questioned. Connor merely nodded, waiting for the androids response.
"Alright. But don't try anything." The WR600 replied. Connor looked back to Hank with a 'I told you so.' Look on his face before opening the door and cautiously walking in with Hank at his side. In a blink of an eye Connor had a tight feeling on his neck, a body pressed against his back and the barrel of a gun against his temple. Connor struggled against the grip of the other android, before the deviant elbowed him in the stomach, winding him and causing his actions to cease. Hank drew his gun noticing that Connor was in trouble and aimed it at the deviant who only placed more pressure on the gun held to Connor's head.
"Put the fucking gun down." Hank demanded.
"I'm done taking orders from you humans. Now put the gun on the floor and get on your knees before I blow your friends head off." The android ordered back. Hank looked from Connor to the gun which pointed against his head, chucking his gun down and getting on his knees. He placed his hands on his head looking at the android as it shuffled around Hank, going behind him with Connor still tight in his grasp. The WR600 took the gun and striking against Hank's skull knocking him out. Connor analysed the situation, getting out of the androids grasp only to be also struck with the gun. The android watched as his limp body fell to the floor with a thud sneering in delight. Dragging both bodies into the chairs laid out in the room the android strapped both of the bodies down, making sure they were secure and wouldn't be able to escape.
"You're last hope is gone." The deviant boasted happily to the SWAT team. "Now get me a car and get me out of this city! I don't want any funny business or I'll shoot both of them." The android shouted, his attitude changing instantly. Outside the door the SWAT team looked at one another not knowing what to do.
"Okay we'll make some arrangements, just shoot them or the deals off." The commander calmly replied back.
"What are we going to do boss?" One of the men inquired. The commander looked back at his team.
"We're going to make a call."
Hank groaned lifting his head (which was pounding from the impact of the gun which collided with his head).
"What the fuck?" He questioned staring at the android who was grinning in front of him.
"Oh good. You're partners awake." He excitedly told Connor who mumbled a quiet 'hi Hank'.
"What the fuck is going on." Hank shouted beginning to get pissed off about the whole situation. The android grinned wider.
"Don't you see. You're my ticket out of here. You're my escape plan." The android replied jumping up and down in excitement. Hank looked at Connor who looked just as confused as he felt as Connor ran an analysis of how they could escape.
Y/n looked up, the sound of his phone ringing drawing his attention away from the files he was sorting. Raising an eyebrow in confusion he answered the phone, holding it to his ear as he waited for the caller on the other end to speak.
"Hi, who is this?" A quiet 'sir he answered' and a 'pass it here then' could be heard as Y/n waited on a reply.
"Hello, agent Y/L/n, I'm Joshua Peak the commander of the Detroit SWAT team, Captain Fowler advised us to contact you when in need of assistance and I'm afraid we need your assistance sir."
"What's the situation?"
"Lieutenant Hank Anderson and his android are currently being held hostage." Y/n's eyes widened in shock as he dashed out of his seat towards the elevator to the sub-levels of the DPD.
"Okay what's the situation now, keep me updated."
"Well they're still being held hostage and the android seems to be talking to them."
"Does the android have a gun? Is he pointing a gun at them?" Y/n asked as the elevator pinged signalling that he was at the bottom level.
"No the guns on a table at the minute sir. When will you be able to get here?" Commander Peak asked.
"I need to get suited up. What level are they on?"
"Top level sir."
"Is there a big window there and are they near it?"
"Yes sir."
"Excellent, I'll be there as quick as I can, send me the location." Y/n replied ending the call and using his palm to unlock the door to where is weapons and outfits were kept. Speed walking towards the wall which his clothes were mounted on, Y/n picked up his combat pants, sliding into them before pulling on his hoody and his bulletproof vest. He stepped into his booted pulling the laces tight and tying them. Walking over to the wall opposite, Y/n picked out his SIG 516 strapping it to his back before picking up two Desert Eagles and putting them in his holsters before filling up on as much ammo as he could. Pulling up his hood and picking up a black bag, Y/n made his way over to his motor bike, checking his phone for the destination before speeding off towards the building.
"What's the situation did anything else happen?"
"Two more of my men were shot but the DPD officers are still okay."
"Why hasn't he killed them yet?" Y/n asked sceptically.
"We told him we were getting him a ride out of the city and it was taking longer than usual."
"Right. Is there access to the roof?"
"Yes. Take the elevator to the top of the building then you'll have to take the stairs, there should be a door at the top, that will lead you to the roof." Y/n nodded.
"Here take this. It will allow me to stay in contact with you meaning that you can keep me update from down here." The agent put the small ear piece in Joshua's ear before putting on in is own ear, before walking off to the elevator.
Now on the roof Y/n placed down his bag taking out his abseiling rope attaching it to the harness, (which he put in on the ride up) taking out his heavy duty suction cups and his laser glass cutter attaching both of them to his harness. Y/n moved towards the edge looking over the edge before jumping off backwards. As soon as his feet impacted the glass, Y/n began to abseil his way down to the 47th floor where both of his partners were held hostage. Swinging to the left Y/n located his partners and also a door which was against the right wall.
"Perfect." Y/n mumbled, unhooking his suction cups and placing them on the window, then proceeding to take out his laser glass cutter, cutting out a circle which was far from perfect. Widening his stance the agent pulled gripped the handles, pulling the glass towards him then dropping the glass to fall to the streets down below.
"How are you doing agent Y/L/n?"
"I'm just about to go in. What's the deviants position?" The male asked, waiting to advance.
"He's still with the hostages."
"Hey asshole hurry up some of us have work to do." Gavin called into the ear piece.
"Do me a favour and keep that blubbering idiot at bay while I restrain this asshole would you."
"Of course sir." And with that Y/n lightly pushed off the glass tucking his legs together and swinging into the room almost silently.
"I'm in. What's his position?"
"He's in front of the door." The agent quickly unhooked himself from the harness, loading his guns and getting ready to pounce on his target. After counting down in his head, Y/n threw open the door, tackling the deviant to the ground and knocking his gun out his hand in the process. Rolling out of the tackle to avoid injury, Y/n kicked the deviants gun far out of its reach, proceeding to draw one of his pistols. The deviant stood up, eyes widening in surprise as Y/n aimed his gun towards him.
"Stay where you are and don't move."
"What the fuck Y/n." Hank exclaimed.
"Oh hey guys, did you miss me?" Y/n asked.
"You came to save us." Connor beamed. Y/n sighed.
"What kinda friend would I be if I didn't save your asses." Y/n flicked his hand to the right motioning for the android to turn around. After doing so Y/n walked up behind the agent, the gun pointing to the back of its head.
"Put your hands up and get on your knees." The android obeyed slowly getting down on his knees.
"Are you guys okay? He didn't hurt you did he?" The agent inquired.
"Yeah we- Y/n watch out!" Connor shouted as the male was knocked to the ground as the deviant made a run for the door.
"Not again." Y/n shouted aiming for the android and shooting it in the back. The deviant fell to the ground, blue blood squirting out of its back as Y/n lifted himself off the floor, walking over to Hank and Connor. The agent cut the pair out of their rope restraints as Hank walked over to the door ready to go home after all the events that had happened. Y/n rushed over to Connor pulling him into a tight hug and releasing a breath he didn't realise he was holding.
"Thank god you're both okay. I was so worried for you both.Y/n sighed. Connor wrapped his arms round the male hugging back.
"Thank you for saving us, we wouldn't have gotten out unless I sacrificed myself for Hank." Connor replied looking up at Y/n.
"Well don't you worry, I'll always be here to save both of you, no matter what." Y/n replied stroking Connor's hair.
"Promise." Y/n replied moving his hand to cup Connor's cheek. Connor's face flushed with blue as Y/n brought their faces closer together. Y/n connected their lips in a tender kiss as Connor moved his hands to rest on the males chest. Both males pulled away for air, resting their foreheads together as they both chuckled.
"That was amazing." Connor breathed.
"Yeah it was." Y/n replied. "We should probably get back to the station, this outfit is really quite heavy and just a tad bit extra." The agent chucked. Connor shook his head giggling at the males behaviour, both of them setting off towards the door to head back to the station.

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