Final chapter

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A/n: So it's been a while I guess. I really lost the passion for writing this story as I've kinda grown away from Detroit become human. Personally I didn't think the story was very good but I didn't want to leave it without an ending so I finished it off for you guys! I hope you guys enjoyed the story and if you have any ideas for oneshots for dbh then I wouldn't mind writing them~ love Killian.
Warnings: Swearing, fear of homophobia?

Y/n and Connor walked hand in hand to the dpd the next day. Both of them without a care in the world, happy that they had found something with one another. Connor leant his head on Y/n's shoulder tightening his grip on the agents hand. Of course the agent knew that what he and Connor had may not have been real, he wasn't certain that androids had feelings but Connor just seemed so human like that he could only believe that he did. Not only that but he was scared, no one in the dpd knew that he was gay, everyone believed him to be straight but little did they know that he was as straight as a roundabout! Connor snaked his arm round the males waist pulling him closer to him causing Y/n to tense up.
"My system is showing that your stress levels are extremely high, you are also very tense, what's wrong Y/n?" The android asked perplexed. The agent smiled softly at the slightly smaller android.
"Connor I'm scared what everyone will think of me." He said diverting his gaze to his shoes. "No one knows I'm gay." Connor frowned pulling his lover into a tight embrace.
"You'll be fine Y/n. I love you and we can get through this together I promise." Y/n sighed kissing Connor on the crown of his head.
"Thank you." He mumbles into the androids hair. They released from the hug smiling at each other as they walked through the doors of the dpd to their offices. Y/n stopped frozen by his fear.
"You'll be fine." Connor whispered kissing the agents hand. Taking a deep breath they both walked into the room. All eyes turned on them, not a sound heard as silence surrounded the pair suffocating them both.
"I'm gay!" Y/n blurted covering his mouth. The room remained silent causing Y/n to tighten his grip on Connor's hand.
"Well it's about fucking time you came out!" A voice shouted from the far end of the office. The agent looked up to see Captain Fowler smiling at them both before the room went back to buzzing with noise. Y/n stared at Connor his mouth agape causing the android to laugh. The agent snapped his mouth shut.
"I told you it would be fine." Connor smiled.
"I guess you were right." Y/n smiled back tilting Connor's head up. "I love you Connor." The agent said staring deeply into the androids eyes.
"I love you too Y/n." Connor replied. When the agent gazed into Connor's eyes he saw nothing but love and passion. Smiling to himself he connected their lips, Connor kissing back immediately.
"Get a room you two!" Was shouted as the two of them continued to embrace, both of them holding their middle finger up to Hank.

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