Chapter 6

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A/n: Okayyyy so this is a smut chapter if you don't wanna read this then that's fine because the next chapter won't be effected by what has happened here I just thought I would add a lil bit of a smut in the story.
When Y/n arrived at the office the next day he was in a joyful mood. Once having spotted Hank and Connor, the Male made his way over to the pair a smile evident on his face.
"What's got you in a good mood today?" Hank grumpily asked. Y/n shrugged his shoulders not wanting to tell Hank the true reason to his pleasant mood. Y/n's eyes shifted from Hank's to Connor's sending him a quick wink. Connor flashed the Male a small smile before deciding to head to the break room.
"Hey tin can." Gavin called out to the android who gave a sigh.
"Hello Gavin." Came Connor's curt reply. Gavin walked over to the android staring deep into his eyes before scoffing.
"Cyberlife really did fuck up with this one." Gavin said to no one in particular. "I mean how could they make something like that? I just wanna punch it." He exclaimed gritting his teeth at Connor.
"I ask myself that question everyday Gavin." Came Y/n's reply, who was just walking into the break room. The agent walked up to Gavin looking deeply into his eyes like he had previously done with Connor. Gavin stared back not wanting to back down from the agents challenging glare.
"Stay out of this Y/L/n, this is non of your business." Gavin aggressively told the agent.
"Well how about I make this my business hmm?" The Male replied narrowing his eyes at Gavin.
"If you don't get out of my way I'll move you myself." Gavin threatened with a shove at Y/n's chest, only making the male sway back a bit. Y/n laughed shaking his head.
"Your dick belongs in pants Gavin, not your personality." Y/n replied patting Gavin's shoulder with a smirk.
"You think you're a big man Y/n, but I'm not afraid of you." The Male sneered. The agent clenched his jaw, balling his fists and willing himself to remain calm.
"You think that punch you gave me hurt?" Gavin inquired, further irritating Y/n. Connor stared at Y/n noticing his stress levels were rising rapidly.
"Y/n why don't you go for a walk or maybe get some fresh air." Connor suggested. The agent switched his gaze to Connor who noticed it had softened. The android gave a soft smile.
"That's right listen to tin can, pussy." Gavin mocked. Y/n's head snapped back towards Gavin who stepped forward towards the Male, nails digging into his fists which threatened to strike.
"Gavin! Back down now." Captain Fowler's voice called from the door of his office. "Y/n! Remove your hands off Gavin and take a walk." He called to the agent who had Gavin by the collar of his top. Y/n released Gavin with a snarl before storming to a room he knew would be empty.

Throwing shut the door the agent began to pace, muttering curses under his breath, finally glad to be away from Gavin. The door to the room opened slightly causing the agent to snap his head up to see who it was. Connor smiled faintly, walking in and closing the door behind him. Y/n sighed, relieved that it was only Connor.
"Your stress levels are still high Y/n, I suggest that you try lowering them." The android suggested walking towards the male. Y/n chuckled shaking his head at the androids behaviour.
"You always know what's right for me Connor, I dunno what I'd do without you." Y/n replied, placing a hand on Connor's cheek.
"If you need any help in reducing your stress then I am happy to be of assistance. I can also give some advice of what methods you use." Connor explained.
"Oh I have an idea." Y/n replied licking his lips. Connor scanned Y/n's body who's stress was starting to lower. Y/n's hormone level began to rise allowing Connor to see what the males idea was. Connor leaned forward his lips connecting with the agents, who wrapped his arms around the androids waist pulling him closer. Y/n's tongue licked Connor's lip, requesting entrance. Connor opened his mouth allowing the agent to explore his wet cavern. Hands roamed body's as the kiss became more heated and needed. Y/n removed his lips from Connor's who moaned in disappointment at the loss of contact. Y/n slid Connor's jacket off Connor's shoulders then proceeded to pull his hoodie off while Connor undid the buttons to his shirt. Once shredded of his hoodie, the agent then pulled his top off, both males chests now bare. Connor ran his hands down Y/n's tones chest, the Male shuddering at the contact. Connor began to sink to the floor unbuckling Y/n's belt and undoing his trousers. Y/n quickly kicked his shoes off along with his trousers, not wanting to waste no time. Now in his boxers, Connor licked the agents abs, causing his to moan out in anticipation as he began to kiss and suck his way down towards the elastic of his boxers. Connor hooked his fingers under the band of Y/n's boxers tugging them down and running his tongue along the agents length.
"No no no." Y/n strained causing Connor to pull away. Connor stood up confused.
"I can't I need you. Now." The agent strained once more. Connor nodded undressing himself. Y/n stared at the sight before him, Connor was perfect. The agent turned the android around bending him over a desk.
"I can just go right? You won't be hurt?" The agent cautiously asked not wanting to hurt Connor.
"You can just go, androids don't feel pain." He replied. Y/n nodded his head, pushing his length into the androids tight ass. Both males moaned in bliss as Y/n started to move in and out of the android. Connor moaned in pleasure, Y/n's length filling him perfectly. Y/n  picked up the pace slamming into Connor who moaned out his name.
"Fuck." Y/n groaned.
"Harder, faster." Connor moaned out urging the male on. Y/n slammed harder and faster into Connor feeling himself reach his climax. Connor cried out Y/n's name causing the agent to finally tip over the edge with a grunt.

Y/n looked in the mirror slicking back his hair, making sure he didn't look like he had just fucked in an abandoned office room.
"Your stress levels have reduced to a normal state." Connor said from behind the agent. Y/n chuckled at the android turning around and kissing him sweetly.
"Thank you Connor." He replied pulling the android into a hug and kissing the top of his head.
"Your welcome Y/n."

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