Chapter 4

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Summary: Connor finally confronts Y/n about the events that had occurred at lunch. Hank also confronts the agent about something which will change Y/n and Connor's relationship.

As Y/n sat down at his desk in the DPD, he acted as tho the whole scene between him and Connor had never happened. To him it was like a dream, a fake reality, whereas to Connor it was a just a reality. To have someone who Connor considered almost a friend in a way, point a gun at him, had the android greatly confused. What perplexed Connor the most was the mixed signals Y/n had gave him, leading Connor to wonder whether the Y/h/c male liked him or not. So Connor being Connor decided to question said Male.
Y/n had just remade himself another coffee, settling himself back down in his chair to carry on with watching his favourite Netflix show. Y/n didn't really know what to do, with him still on his break from solving cases with Hank and his android, the male felt lost; obviously not used to not having so little work to do. As the screen of his monitor turned black signalling the end of another episode, Y/n noticed the familiar outline of Connor standing behind him. Mentality preparing himself to be bombarded with questions about his previous encounter with the android, Y/n took a deep breath before turning in his seat to face Connor. Y/n leant back in his chair, crossing his arms to get comfortable as he gave Connor his undivided attention.
"Shoot." He deadpanned. Connor tilted his head to the side, baffled by the agents choice of words.
"I'm sorry Y/n, but I do not wish to shoot you. However, I did want to ask why you wanted to do so to me." Connor inquired, pulling out a chair and sitting opposite Y/n. The agent squinted his eyes suspiciously.
"Is this an interrogation?" He challenged.
"It's what ever you want it to be." Connor challenged back. Neither of them moved or spoke, instead they stared at each other, each of them wanting answers from the other. Y/n was the first to break eye contact, looking around the room to check if anyone was staring at them. Turning back to Connor he answered.
"I needed to find out the answer to a question I had." The male expressed.
"And did you find the answer you were looking for?" The android integrated. Y/n nodded.
"And I suppose I won't know what the question or what the answer was, correct?" Connor assumed and again the agent nodded. Connor sighed in defeat.
"But why point the gun at me?" The android asked, still puzzled with the situation that had happened at lunch. Y/n hesitated, knowing that he couldn't tell Connor the real reason why, he knew the android would never understand.
"I wanted to know that the answer I was getting was genuine." He faltered. Connor also noticed the hesitation in his answer but decided against asking any further questions for now. Again, both males looked at each other, just staring in silence, trying to work out what the other was thinking. Y/n sighed.
"Connor?" The male uttered. Connor broke out of his hypnotic trance humming to show he had heard. "Do you know what it means to be someone's partner?" He cautiously inquired.
"Yes. A partner consists of 2 or more people who work-" Before the android could finish Y/n cut him off.
"No Connor that's not what I meant. A partner is someone who you work with yes but it's someone who you trust with your life and someone who you know will always have your back. Like when you saved Hank from falling off that building." Connor made an 'oh' sound before Y/n continued. "Do you trust me Connor?" The male genuinely asked staring at the android in front of him.
"You're my partner and partners trust each other." He stated smiling brightly at the male in front of him. Y/n faintly smiled back at the android as he got out of his seat to head over to Hank. The agent shook his head trying to rid Connor from his thoughts.
"He's an android. Androids can't trust people, they don't have feelings." He lied to himself as he placed his head in his hands, recalling the events which had just happened.
When Hank and Connor arrived back at the DPD (after being called to a case) they noticed that all of the desks were empty, all except one. At said desk sat a very bored looking Y/n, who seemed to be playing a game on his computer. Not noticing Hank and Connor had come back Y/n stayed at his computer, continuing with the game he was playing.
"You look bored." Hanks voice sounded throughout the silent office, startling the agent. Hank chuckled at the males reaction. "You wanna come mine and have a few drinks?" He suggested. Looking down at his watch Y/n checked the time.
"I really should be going, I didn't even realise that it was that late." The male sighed as his watch screen displayed that it was almost midnight.
"Oh come on, it's just a few drinks." Hank encouraged. Y/n moaned out a fine in annoyance, before mumbling 'only cause it's free drink' as he shrugged on his jacket.
Y/n relaxed on the sofa as he and Hank cracked open a beer. They both watched as Connor played with Sumo. The android looked so happy and content Y/n thought to himself as he watched Connor fuss over the large dog.
"I see the way you look at each other." Hank whispered, a shit eating grin on his face as Y/n turned around in shock.
"I'm sorry but what Hank?" The agent exclaimed.
"You know what I'm talking about." Hank smirked.
"I-I don't think I do Hank!" The male stuttered as a red flush started to cover his cheeks.
"Your blushing Y/n. We all know you have feelings for him so why don't you just do something about it. Come on I'll give you 15 bucks if you do." Hank challenged the agent. Y/n groaned in desperation, before glancing over to where Connor was still playing with Sumo.
"It would never work out Hank, you know that." Y/n replied sighing heavily.
"You never know kid, loves a crazy thing." Hank responded.
"Yeah I guess you're right." The male agreed with a slight laugh. "But I'll take you up on that offer though." The male smirked.
"Fine then you got yourself a deal." Hank agreed.
Connor stood up from his position on the floor, dusting the dog hairs off his pants before seating himself between Hank and Y/n. Y/n took a swig of beer, the bitter taste flowing down his throat. The agent still wanted to talk about what type of approach he should take to make himself irresistible to Connor but there was no way of getting to speak to Hank alone without Connor wanting to get in on the conversation, so he would just have to try his own way.
The next day Y/n arrived to work earlier, surprised he didn't wake up with a hangover from last night he decided to make an effort with himself. Instead of wearing his usual causal clothes which consisted of sweat pants and a sweater, he opted for a light blue button down, some navy suit pants, a brown belt and brown shoes to match. This was all part of his plan to make himself irresistible to Connor because if Connor liked Y/n when he was wearing casual clothes then he would be shooketh when he saw Y/n all smartened up.
As soon as he arrived Y/n went straight to the break room to fix himself up a coffee before heading over his desk, leaning over it as he sorted some files out for Captain Fowler.
Everyone who walked through the door complimented Y/n, even Gavin who Y/n brutally insulted. Most people were in the break room or quietly chatting with friends before Y/n heard the sound of the front door swing open followed by a loud
"Well look at you then, all suited and booted, you look good though. What's the special occasion?" Hank's booming voice sounded as he walked through the office over to the agent. Y/n spun around a smirk on his face as he shoved his hands into his pockets.
"No occasion Hank just thought I'd change it up a bit you know." He replied with a shrug of his shoulders. Hank nodded his head in approval before heading over to his desk leaving Y/n and Connor (who had been very quiet throughout the whole conversation) alone. Connor examined Y/n's new outfit, he had to agree with Hank on this one Y/n did look amazing. Of course Connor's action didn't go unnoticed by Y/n.
"See something you like there robo cop." Y/n smuggly said. Connor snapped his eyes up to the males face, a blue blush beginning to creep into his face. Connor began to stutter as he tried to explain that he didn't mean to stare. Y/n leant back on his desk crossing his right leg over his left as he waited for Connor to finish. Connor stopped stuttering and instead took a deep breath and apologised.
"Who said I was asking for an apology?" Y/n said with a raise of his eyebrow.
"It seemed like the best option for the situation." Connor explained, recovering from his embarrassment. Y/n took the time to let his own eyes take in Connor's appearance as Connor watched uncomfortably. Y/n glanced up to Connor's face sending him a wink which made Connor's knees go weak and his bio-components start to go haywire. Y/n pushed himself off his desk and cautiously walked towards Connor as if any sudden movement would scare him away. Connor stood there frozen in place as his metal heart felt like it was about to explode out of his chest, he even started to wonder if Y/n could hear it. As Y/n started to get nearer to Connor he finally unfroze, moving backwards with each step the agent took forward, before he hit the edge of the desk behind him. Y/n smirked before leaning down to Connor's ear.
"I know what you want Connor. You and I both know you crave me." Y/n seductively whispered, his hot breath fanning Connor's ear driving him insane. Y/n leant back, a shit eating grin on his face as he looked into Connor's eyes. Connor began to lean in.
"It's not that easy." Connor breathed back.
"Oh it never is with you." The male replied. Connor continued to lean in, his lips just millimetres away from Y/n's, before the Male leaned back, his index finger coming to rest over Connor's lips as his eyes widened in surprise. Y/n winked again, before walking off to Hank's leaving Connor with a nagging feeling in his stomach.
"You owe me 15 bucks." Y/n said as he walked past Hank's desk towards the break room. Hank stared at Y/n then to Connor who looked like he was about to malfunction before mumbling a quiet 'finally', before getting back to work.

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