Read Please

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I am going to be adding this as the first chapter if the book. The only reason that this is here... is because I'm sick of people commenting that Victor's hair is platinum/silver.

This is the very first book I've made when I joined wattpad and I honestly do not like this book. I have gotten so much better to the point that I don't know why so many people like this book.

But because I made this a long time ago, it definitely needs to be edited, but I'm not. Many if so many people hadn't yelled at me about his hair, I wouldn't feel like I was being forced to edit it. I edit my other books when I find errors, but I never look at this book. I just skim past it when looking for books to update.

Anyways, I am sick of the hair comment and I don't want to be like this and I don't want to seem like a bitch, but I am going to delete all comments about his hair if I find them.

Trust me, I like comments because I like replying to them and letting people make me laugh, but I cannot stand the hair comments anymore

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Trust me, I like comments because I like replying to them and letting people make me laugh, but I cannot stand the hair comments anymore. I know, I should've done my research before writing, but I rarely do research because this isn't school. This is a place where I can be loud, quirky, and put my random ideas down. And I'm a pretty quick learner, so I usually can tell what someone is like by only listening to them or seeing them interact with people a few times, so I don't really need to research personalities.

Also, you don't need to comment


Every single chapter. Not needed. I understood my mistake the first couple of comments.

Am I ever gonna fix it? Probably not because I'm a salty bitch and I have other shit to do and other books to write.

This is my reaction to editing this book:

Probably the last edit ever to this book,

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Probably the last edit ever to this book,

KM_Future (author)



I don't give a rat's ass about his hair color. If I see a comment, especially on this chapter, about his hair being white or some shit, I will go through this book and make his hair fucking pink.

Salty Bitch,

Another update:

I dont wanna be that person, but I'm staring to hate comment. Just casually checking comments to make sure there are no hair comments and all of a sudden I see all the comments "trying" to be nice by saying, "honey, please don't use chan for-" and that's all I remember because I dont care. At all. Or comments talking about how wrong I am because boys and girls skate separately.

1) did. I. Do. My. Fucking. Research?


2) do. I. Care?


3) am I going to learn a whole language that I'm not totally interested in for a God damn book?

Not at all. That's fucking dumb.

So what is it that we learned here today? I'm not going to learn Japanese, I'm only interested in Irish and Korean, and im certainly not going to correct myself. Especially if someone treats me like a stupid child.

We also learned that I never professionally ice skated, so I'm not going to know these things. The only thing I was willing to look up were skating moves.

Also (this was deleted a long time ago but....), I remember a comment telling me how awful my drawings looked. How everything was out of proportion. You know that person's reasoning for being so rude to me?

"I'm an artist," they said.

You know my retort, smart ass?

"Anyone is an artist if they can put a simple dot or scribble on paper."

Now, if I wasnt so thick headed and proud of my own art, that comment would've caused me to hate art. But I obviously didnt quit art. I am actually extremely proud of my art.

Suck on that for art

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Suck on that for art.

Actually... don't... because that's too mean to Chenle.

And no, I'm not fantastic, but I'm pretty damn good if I say so myself.

10/02/22 Update

  Hey guys, so before you read this, I want to let you know I am currently rewriting this book separately. It has a new cover, but has the same title.

(Cover made by my friend _MiniMin18_)

    So please enjoy this book and please go check out the rewrite.

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Skating Princess - Victor x Reader Where stories live. Discover now