Chapter 2- A rude awakening

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I'm back with another chapter of My Rage x  Hollow fanfic. I hope you all liked the last chapter where alot went down. 

Are you ready? Nah, I don't think you are. Let's wait a bit...jk let's begin! :)


Rage POV

I woke up to a pounding headache and the need to be sick. I ran into the bathroom and vomited down the toilet. I groaned and I heard a creak coming from my room, so I decided to get up and check. 

(What? You never know, it could be a robber!) I walked in to see Hollow laying there on my bed all tucked up. Why the hell was he there?

"Um, Hollow, may I ask why you are in my bed?"

"Well someone got drunk off their ass last night and decided to basically pass out. Oh and by the way, you're a good kisser!" I blushed. Wait. Good kisser. Then I remember.

Oh shit, I told Hollow that I love him. I need to fix this.

"Hollow, you know how I said that I loved you last night?"

"Yeah, I was just gonna say that I l-"

"It was a mistake. I don't love you." I sighed.

Hollow POV

"W-w-what?" Tears filled my eyes. I turned towards the door and run out of the flat, ignoring Rage's pleas for me to come back inside. 

It was pouring with rain but I didn't care at the moment. Rage doesn't love me. I ran across the street and ran over to the park.

I sat under a tree and put my head in my knees, sobbing my heart out. I felt a small tap on my shoulder.

"Go away Rage!" I heard a small, soft voice.

"Excuse me mister, are you ok. Why are you sitting here in the rain and why are you sad?" I looked up to see a small boy standing there with a bumblebee umberella. 

"I am just sad. Are you here alone?" Looking at the small boy, he looked well dressed and clean.

"No, my mommy is over there, but I wanted to come and see if you were ok." Suddenly I heard a female voice behind me.

"Excuse me Sir, are you ok?" I looked up at her. 

"Yes, I'm fine, just a little sad.."

"Would you like to come and sit in a coffee shop with us and we can have a talk?" I felt like I already knew these people so I agreed. 

We walked over to the nearest Costa Coffee and She ordered 2 hot chocolates and a milkshake for the little boy. 

"Jason, come sit down." So that's his name. Ahhhh. The woman began to speak.

"My name is Sydney, what's yours?"

"My name is Hollow..."

"So Hollow, spill the beans." And so I did. I told her all about me and last night all the way up to this morning. I suddenly broke down into tears. 

"Come here sweetheart. Jason, go get some napkins." Jason trotted over to the small stand, grabbed a few napkins and then trotted back over to the table. He handed them to Sydney.

"Here." She wiped away my tears, gave my a hug and said;

"I can tell you really love this boy and that he really loves you. He must have been scared. Go back, tell him how you feel and I guarantee he will like you back and welcome you home with open arms. Go. And take the hot chocolate. Here is my number incase you ever want to talk again."

She handed me her number.

"Thanks for this Syndey, bye Jason!"

I grabbed my hot chocolate and then I ran out of the coffee shop. I dropped my cup on the way but I don't care. I'm going to get the guy that I love.

I ran across the road excited as ever. 

I wasn't looking where I was going.

The car. It hit me.

All I could see was black. The last thing I saw was Jason and Sydney running up to me with tears on their faces. Jason knealt by my face and held my hand.

"Please Hollow. You need to stay alive. For me and my mummy. For Rage. Please"

Then Black.


And that is all. I hope you enjoyed that really depressing chapter! 

And also, hi Zoe, I know you are going to hate me after this but you will see. It does get better.

And also, did you like the boy's name. Jason. Eh? Eh? Forget it.

Anyway Vote, comment and tell me any suggestions you have! Kk?

~Peace Out, Angel <3

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