illuminati: Don't fucking move

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quarterback and thatagenderkid private chat

quarterback: do you think the ocean is salty because the land never waves back

thatagenderkid: why are babies in the womb for nine months but aren't 9 months old when they're born

quarterback: why is monday so far from friday but friday so close to monday

thatagenderkid: can a crip donate blood (my friend said this to me once and I still can't tell if it's offensive, sorry)

quarterback: can a teacher give a homeless kid homework

thatagenderkid: what colour are mirrors

quarterback: what does water taste like

thatagenderkid: if i weigh 99 pounds and eat a pound of nachos, am i 1% nacho

quarterback: if sperm makes babies and is found in testicles then ball really is life
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The Squad™️

killedthedinosaurs: Yo, how there snow on mt everest if the clouds r under it

thatagenderkid: illuminati: Don't fucking move

killedthedinosaurs: 😂😂
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linebacker and quarterback private chat

linebacker: You were SO wasted last nite dude!

quarterback: I wasn't THAT drunk... 😅

linebacker: Dude, you knocked over a kid with round glasses


linebacker: You climbed a tree n yelled, "Screw you, Harry! I'm the Chosen One now!

quarterback: ...
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The Squad™️

thatagenderkid: OMG! Did you know that barcodes scan the white part, not the black?
thatagenderkid: Firefly is the opposite of waterfall.
thatagenderkid: You know what's creepy about Humpty Dumpty? They never said it was an egg.
thatagenderkid: The letter x has more use in math than in the English language.
thatagenderkid: You have more ancestors than all your ancestors.
thatagenderkid: Don't you dare sounds normal, but do not you dare sounds weird.
thatagenderkid: Envelopes are weird. It's like here's a paper wrapped in paper that I sealed with my saliva.
thatagenderkid: Butter is food lotion.
thatagenderkid: When you wait for a waiter, you become a waiter.
thatagenderkid: Horses run on their toenails.
thatagenderkid: Volleyball is just hardcore hot potato. 
thatagenderkid: Why does your nose run and your feet smell?

mythicbitch: Jade
mythicbitch: it's 3 in the morning over there
mythicbitch: go
mythicbitch: go to sleep
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