Chapter 1: The call

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My phone started ringing out of no where. Ugh, who could be calling me at THIS time...? i thought. i pick up my phone and answer the call "Hello...?" i say. It was 9:00 am and i dont know what kind of a person would call me this early..."OMG!!! IM SO HAPPY FOR YOU, KOMARUUUUUUU!!!!" I hear my best friend V squeal over the phone. I was so confused "Happy for me? for what?" i asked her. "welllll.....You know sakura from team 7? kakashi's team 7?" she asks me. "you mean that pink haired girl from the Haruno clan? yea, i know her, why?" i say still confused as hell. "She....." she paused and started giggling "SHE QUIT BEING A NINJA AND YOUR HER REPLACEMENT!!!!!" V says super excited. Then i got excited "oh my god really?!?!!" i ask almost screaming. "yepppp!!!! and do you know what the best part is?!?!!" she asks me. "what?!?!!?!!!?!?!?!?!!" i was so excited "YOUR WITH SASUKE UCHIHA!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE HOTTEST GUY TO EVER LIVE!!!!!!!" she screams. I pause for a full 30 seconds. "hello???? komaru????" "ill call you later" i say, then i hang up. "i wish i didnt pick up that phone....." i say to myself. Then i put my head under my pillow.

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