Chapter 11: Jealous

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Sasuke woke me up again about 2 hours later...He woke me up like a normal person for once. "here, you can wear this for today" he says giving me clothes. He gave me a button up shirt, with a black mini skirt. "you expect your girlfriend to look like a slut?" i ask. "i wouldnt say a slut...More like a sexy worker, if ya know what i mean" he laughs A little bit. "hilarious..." i say. I put on the clothes and i look in the mirror. Damn i look hot, i thought. Sasuke hugs me from behind. "you like?" he asks "i just look...Damn" i say. I low key had no words. "ill take that as a yes" he says smiling. After i got dressed, he got dressed and we both left to meet up with team 7. "heyyyy guyysss" Naruto says smirking at us. "no we're not giving detail" Sasuke automatically says to him. "detail for what??" Kakashi asks us. "Nothing, kakashi...Just nothing" i say. "So, whats up?" Sasuke asks. "Well, we have a mission and well...Its only based on you two" Kakashi says pointing at me and Sasuke. "Then why did naruto get invited, huh?" i ask pouting. "im here to make sure you two leave the village safely!" Naruto says."that makes no sence at all" Sasuke and i say at the same time. "HEY LOOK!!! ITS SASUKE-KUN!!!!" i hear a girl scream out. A HUGE group of girls surround Sasuke. "haiiii sasuke-kunnnnn, wanna go out???" "sasuke!! wanna come over sometime?" i hear the girls keep asking. I start feeling weird. Why am i feeling sick? i thought...I NEVER act this way!!! Wait...Could it be...Im...Jealous?

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